Sins of a husband

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Finally, Daenera and Daeron arrived at Harrenhal, Daenera was cold, wet, and exhausted. Her clothes were drenched, and her body was shivering with the chill.

As they rode through the gates, Daenera could see Aemond in the distance. He was pacing back and forth, his face etched with worry. As he saw them approach, he rushed forward.

Daenera clung to him, feeling the warmth of his body and the relief of their reunion. She could feel the tears streaming down her face, a mixture of joy and exhaustion. She was so happy to be back in his arms again. There was no better feeling.

Aemond looked at her, his eyes scanning her body for any injuries. "Are you hurt?" he asked, his voice full of concern.

"We got caught in a storm," she replied, her voice hoarse. "We had to wait it out under a tree. We're both okay, just wet and cold."

Aemond nodded, relief flooding his face. "I thought you were dead," he said, his hand cupping her face.

Daenera leaned into his touch, feeling the warmth of his hand against her skin. She knew that she was safe now, that they were all safe together.

"I'm sorry I had to send you that letter. I didn't want to, and it killed me. I'm so sorry." She cried, but Aemond wiped her tears.

A wave of anger washed over him when he realized Alys Rivers lied to him, but he took a deep breath. Right now, Daenera was all that mattered.

"Come, let's get you both warmed up." Aemond said to her, and she nodded.

As they walked towards the castle, Aemond wrapped his cloak around her shoulders, trying to warm her up. Daenera leaned into him, feeling the softness of the fabric against her skin.

She glanced down at her son, who was still holding onto Shadow. The wolf pup looked up at her with his bright eyes, seeming to understand the magnitude of what they had just been through.

Aemond got one of the servants to take Daeron for a meal and a bath while he and Daenera head back to his chambers.

Aemond sat on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands. He let Alys Rivers trick him, and now Daenera was here.

Daenera removed the wet dress and was about to put on some of Aemond's clothes when she noticed he was troubled.

"What's wrong, husband?" She asked.

Aemond glanced up at her and ran his fingers through his hair. "Nothing."

She walked towards him and cupped his face. She was completely naked, but she didn't care.

"What wrong, my love?" She asked, tucking his long, sliver hair behind his ear.

Aemond felt shameful. He couldn't bring himself to say anything. Daenera was about to take his eyepatch off, but he stopped her.

"Please, dont. " He said, but she lifted his face up so he could look at her.

"Do not hide your eye from me, my love. It's one of the things I love most about you."

Aemond still glanced away, but she kissed his scar. She took his eyepatch off and cupped his face again.

"When you're ready to tell me, I will listen." She whispered and climbed on top of him.

He then wrapped his arms around her and circled her nipple with his tongue. She moaned softly and tangled her fingers in his hair.

She missed him..

"Please. Talk to me, my love." She said softly..

"I want you." He mumbled, still sucking her nipple.

She smiled and licked some of the milk on the side of his lip. He was about to lift her, but she stopped him.

"No. Let me." She said and undid his pants.

He kissed her passionately and sucked on her bottom lip. Daenera was who he wanted.

She pushed him inside of her slowly, then placed her hands on his shoulders. Daenera moaned softly as she began to move her waist.

"I love you." She whispered.

"I love you." Aemond answered and kissed her again sucking on her tongue.


Daenera watched as Aemond slept. She kissed his scar softly and smiled. She didn't know what was wrong with him, but she needed to check on Daeron.

Daenera quietly made her way out of the bed and headed towards her son's room. It had been a long day, and she wanted to check on little Daeron before finally getting some rest herself.

As she approached the door, she could hear soft whispers coming from inside. Her heart started racing as she pushed the door open, wondering who could possibly be in there with her child at this time of night.

To her surprise, she found a woman sitting in a chair next to Daeron's bed, gently stroking his hair. Daenera's eyes narrowed in suspicion. She didn't know her, and the idea of a stranger being so close to her son made her uneasy.

"Who are you?" Daenera demanded.

The woman stood up and faced her. "Alys Rivers, my lady."

"Why are you in here?"

"The young prince was having some trouble sleeping. I figured I'd spend some time with him since I will be a mother soon enough." Alys explained.

"You're pregnant?" Daenera asked.

"Yes, my lady."

She had a bad feeling about Alys. Daenera moved past her and kneeled next to Daeron's bedside.

"Are you okay?" She whispered to him.

"Yes." He answered. "Don't worry. I have Shadow. "

Daenera nodded and was about to walk out when Alys said something.

"Don't you want to know who the father is?" Alys asked.

Daenera turned to her and folded her arms. "Why would I want to know?"

"Because he is your husband."

Daenera's eyes widened in shock. She felt like the ground had been pulled out from under her. She had never imagined anything like this could happen to her.

"Aemond?" She whispered.

"Yes, my lady."

"You're lying."

"I'm not. Your husband took me as his mistress, but do not be upset. This is the way of men. They are weak. Easy to break with just a simple whisper."

"No. You're wrong." Daenera said choking up.

"Why would I lie? An accusation like this could mean execution."

For a long moment, she just stood there, staring at Alys. Then she turned and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her. The weight of Alys's words hanged over her head. Did Aemond really betray her?

If this was true she'd make sure Alys was executed and she'd make sure she was the one holding the executioners axe. But first she needed the truth.

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