Attachment Issues

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After the argument about breastfeeding, their son, Daenera, and Aemond didn't talk much for the rest of the day. She had retreated to her with Daeron, feeling hurt and frustrated by Aemond's comments. She had always believed that breastfeeding was a natural and important part of motherhood, and she couldn't understand why Aemond would want her to stop so suddenly.

As the day wore on, Aemond began to feel guilty about how he had spoken to her. He knew that he had been too harsh and that his words had hurt her. He loved his wife and his son more than anything in the world, and he didn't want to cause any more tension in their relationship.

Finally, as the sun began to set, Aemond made his way to the nursery to apologize. He knocked gently on the door and waited for a response.

"Come in," she said softly.

Aemond entered the room and found Daenerys sitting in a rocking chair, with Daeron sleeping soundly in her arms. She looked up at him, her eyes tired and sad.

"I'm sorry," Aemond said, his voice quiet. "I shouldn't have said what I did. I know how important breastfeeding is to you, and I shouldn't have tried to take that away from you and Daeron."

She looked at him for a moment, considering his words. She could see the sincerity in his eyes, and she knew that he meant what he said.

"Thank you," she said finally. "I appreciate your apology."

Aemond walked over to her and knelt down beside the rocking chair. "I just want you to know that I love you and Daeron more than anything else in the world. And I want to support you in every way I can, even if that means letting you breastfeed him for a little while longer."

She smiled at him, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. It was a small victory, but it meant a lot to her that Aemond was willing to listen to her and respect her wishes.

"Thank you," she said again. "I love you too."

Aemond leaned forward and kissed her softly on the lips. As he pulled away, he looked down at Daeron, who was still sleeping soundly in her arms.

"He's lucky to have you as his mother," Aemond said. "And I'm lucky to have you as my wife."

Daenera handed Daeron to Aemond and left the room to find her older son. She strode through the halls of the castle, her black hair trailing behind her like a banner. She walked into Aerys's room and sat on his bed.

"We need to talk." She said firmly.

Aenys looked up at his mother, his face flushed with embarrassment. "I didn't mean to hurt him, Mother," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "It was an accident."

"An accident?" she asked. "You could have seriously injured your brother, Aenys. What were you thinking?"

"I was just practicing my swordsmanship," Aenys replied, his eyes downcast.

"Practicing your swordsmanship?" Daenera repeated, incredulous. "You could have killed him, Aenys. Do you have any idea how serious this is?"

He hung his head in shame, and Daenera could see that he was genuinely remorseful. She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down.

"Look, I know you didn't mean to hurt your brother," she said, her voice softening. "But you have to be more careful. You're the oldest, Aenys. You have a responsibility to protect your siblings, not hurt them."

Aenys nodded, his eyes still fixed on the floor.

"I need to talk to you about something else," she said, her voice gentle but serious.

"What is it?" Aenys asked, looking up at her with his bright blue eyes.

"I need you to give the dragon egg you chose for yourself to your brother, Daeron," she said. "And then choose another egg for yourself."

Aenys scowled. "But I wanted that egg! Why do I have to give it to Daeron?"

"Because, Aenys, we are a family, and we must share our blessings with one another," she explained. "And as the eldest, it is your responsibility to set an example for your younger brother."

"But I don't want to!" Aenys protested, his voice rising.

Daenera could feel her patience wearing thin, but she remained calm. "Aenys, please don't raise your voice. This is important."

"But it's not fair!" Aenys yelled. "I chose that egg for myself, and I don't want to give it away!"

Daenera took a deep breath, trying to keep her frustration in check. "Aenys, I understand that it may seem unfair. But we must think of others and not just ourselves. Your brother would be very happy to have that egg, and I'm sure you'll find another one you like just as much."

Aenys crossed his arms and scowled. "I don't care. I want that egg for myself."

"Aenys," she said firmly. "You are a Targaryen, and you have a responsibility to protect and nurture these dragon eggs. But we must also share their gifts with our family. I need you to give the egg to your brother and choose another for yourself."

Aenys stamped his foot. "No! It's not fair!"

She sighed. She knew that Aenys could be stubborn at times, but she had hoped he would understand the importance of sharing with his siblings. "Aenys, please think about what I'm asking you to do."

"My answer is no." He said, folding his arms.

Just then, Aemond walked in. "What's going on?"

"I'm trying to talk him into giving the egg to Daeron."

"What, why should he?" Aemond asked, stunned.

"For number one, he nearly beat his brother within the inch of his life. I just think to make amends, he should give the egg up."

"Daeron will have to choose another egg." Aemond said.

"You say I'm too soft on Daeron, but here you are refusing to punish Aenys."

"Danny, you can't ask him to give up his egg. Choose anything else but not that." Aemond pleaded and wrapped and armed around his son.

"Fine. No sword training or dragon riding for a month."

"But -"

Aemond quickly covered his son's mouth. "Deal."

"Go get ready for dinner, Aenys." She said to him.

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