Blood Wedding

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Daenera Stark sat in front of her vanity mirror, surrounded by her handmaidens who were busy preparing her for her wedding to Aemond. They brushed and styled her long dark hair, adorned it with delicate silver and pearl hairpins, and wove it into an intricate braided updo.

As they worked, they chattered excitedly about the upcoming wedding, discussing everything from the food to the decorations to the guests who would be attending.

Daenera listened to their lively conversation with a smile, but inside, she was feeling nervous. This was the day she had been dreaming of since she was a young girl, but now that it was finally here, she couldn't help but feel overwhelmed.

One of her handmaidens noticed the worried expression on her face and paused in her work.

"Is something wrong, my lady?" she asked.

She hesitated for a moment before speaking. "I'm just feeling a bit nervous, that's all," she admitted.

The handmaidens exchanged a knowing look before one of them stepped forward and took Daenera's hand. "There's nothing to be nervous about, my lady," she said. "You are going to be the most beautiful bride the Seven Kingdoms have ever seen. And besides, you are marrying the man you love. That's all that matters."

Daenera smiled gratefully at her handmaiden's words. She knew they were right. Aemond loved her, and she loved him. That was all that mattered.

As the handmaidens finished preparing her, Daenera stood up and looked at herself in the mirror. She was wearing a stunning white gown that flowed elegantly to the ground, adorned with delicate silver embroidery and sparkling jewels. Her hair was styled in an intricate braided updo, and her makeup was subtle yet elegant.

She took a deep breath, feeling a sense of calm wash over her. With her handmaidens by her side, she was ready to face whatever the day may bring.

She walked down the aisle of the Great Sept of Baelor, her heart pounding in her chest. She wore a gown of white and silver, adorned with intricate embroidery and delicate lace. Her hair was braided and adorned with flowers, and her eyes shone with excitement and nervousness.

As the music began to play, Aemond entered the hall, flanked by his brother, Aegon. She smiled at the sight of him. As she made her way down the aisle, her eyes roamed over the assembled guests. She saw lords and ladies from across the Seven Kingdoms, dressed in their finest attire. But her gaze eventually settled on Prince Maegor Targaryen, who stood in the front row of the crowd.
Maegor's eyes were intense and piercing, causing her face to go pale.

She didn't expect to see him here.

Aemond's eyes met Daenera's, and he felt his heart skip a beat. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on, and he knew that he loved her with all his heart.

The ceremony was led by the High Septon, who spoke of the sacred bond of marriage and the duties that it entailed. Aemond and Daenera exchanged vows, promising to love and honor each other for all of their days.

As the High Septon pronounced them husband and wife, the guests erupted into cheers and applause. Aemond kissed her passionately, sealing their union before the eyes of the Seven.

"You look beautiful in that dress." He whispered to her.

"Thank you, my prince."

"I look forward to taking it off you tonight." He smirked.

The newlyweds then made their way to the feast hall, where they were greeted by a lavish spread of food and drink. The tables were decorated with white and silver flowers, and candles flickered in every corner of the room.

Aemond and Daenera arrived at the grand ballroom of the royal palace, hand in hand, to celebrate their marriage with a lavish ball thrown in their honor by the king. The room was filled with nobles and dignitaries, all dressed in their most elegant attire, and the air was thick with the scent of perfume and the sound of lively music.

As they made their way through the crowd, they were greeted with cheers and applause, and many of the guests came forward to offer their congratulations and well wishes. They were both radiant, with Aemond looking handsome in his tailored suit and Daenera stunning in her intricately beaded gown.

The couple made their way to the center of the ballroom, where the king himself was waiting to greet them. He offered his congratulations and toasted to their happiness, and then the dancing began.

They took to the dance floor, moving gracefully to the music as the other guests watched in awe. They were a sight to behold, twirling and spinning, lost in each other's eyes.

Saera watched from a distance disgusted. She then grabbed two cups of wine and poured something into one of them. She held the cups and made her way to Aemond and Daenera.

"My congratulations to the happy couple." Saera said, smiling.

Aemond and Daenera glanced at each other, then back at her.

"Should we call the guards?" Aemond asked.

"No, silly." She laughed. "I came to apologize to you, Daenera. I was insecure, but I'm over it now."

"Congratulations." She said to Saera sarcastically.

"Come, let's toast to a new friendship." She said, handing Daenera the cup.

Aemond left Daenera's side, leaving her alone with Saera to get something to eat.

"To new friends." Saera said with a smile and took a sip of her wine.

Just as Daenera was about to drink the wine, she locked eyes with Shira, who was staring at her intensely. 'Don't drink the wine,' a voice said to her in her head.

She froze and then acted like her hands were trembling, causing the cup to fall from her hands.

"Oh shoots... well, I probably shouldn't be drinking that anyway."

Saera was angry and annoyed, but she knew she couldn't cause a scene.

"And why is that?" She asked through her gritted teeth.

"Well, you see." Daenera said, placing a hand on her stomach. "I'm not sure wine is good for the baby."

Saera eyes widened in utter shock.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, my husband needs me." She said, walking past Saera to Aemond.

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