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Trigger warning for those who may need it: this chapter has mention of verbal/domestic abuse. Please reach out if you need someone to talk to ♥️ 


I tapped my foot, watching the seconds tick by slowly on the large clock on the wall. A few more seconds and then I'd be done my exam and the summer holidays would kick in. As soon as the bell rang, I shot up and hustled out with the rest of my classmates.

I walked to my locker, seeing my brother and Hasan standing there waiting for me. We had fallen into a routine over the last couple weeks. They would wait for me at my locker at the end of the day and then we'd drive home in my brother's car, dropping Hasan off first. Some days he'd even come over to study with my brother and I'd intrude and bother them until they bribed me with food to leave them alone.

I cleaned out my locker for the year and then followed them to the car.

"Need some help?" Hasan asked when he noticed me struggling to balance all the textbooks I had.

"Yeah, please," I smiled gratefully, letting him take the top few. Rayyan walked ahead of us, talking to someone from him student council campaigning team.

"Your brother told me you're also going to help with the summer camp?"

"You too?" I grinned excitedly.

Hasan scowled, "my mom volunteered me."

"I've done it the past two years. It's so fun, don't worry," I assure him.

"Great, you have a bus buddy now Maheen," my brother interjected, opening his car boot for me.

"Oh yeah! Thank God, I'm so done with having some creep-o sit beside me even when the whole bus is empty," I clap my hands together loudly. "It's settled then!"


I waved Hasan over when he got onto the bus. "Hey," I smiled when he sat down.

"Asalamualikum," he responded.

"Walaikumasalam," I replied sheepishly.

"What'd you bring today?"

Hasan and I had gotten into a routine this past month. Every morning we'd take a bus and the tube to get to our summer camp. After a couple days, I started bringing him all the baked goods I made and he would be my test bunny for all the stuff I was trying. Some was good, some was not so good, but he always gave me honest feedback which I appreciated.

I had taken time off of work during the summer camp days so I had my evenings free to bake and hang out with my mom.

It was the last week of the camp. Hasan and I had become good friends. Best friends even. We found a balance between my extroverted and his introverted personality. We understood each other. We balanced each other.

We've only known each other for maybe six months but it truly felt more like six years.

"Churros. American theme park speciality," I grin, opening up my Tupperware. The smell of the cinnamon sugar wafted around us. It was only 9am but oh well. Hasan could use the extra pounds.

"Honestly, that's bloody delicious," he nodded seriously, making me chuckle. He always studied my baked goods like a doctor examining a patient which I appreciated. It made me feel like he truly took an interest in the stuff I shared with him.

Today's activity was a free day in the park to let the kids run around and play. I lathered myself in bug repellant while Hasan just put on a hat and sunglasses.

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