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It's Naina and Armaan's wedding! Or well this chapter is their mehendi. Maheen's outfit is above!

This will be a 2 part chapter. Next part will be up soon 💖

Let me know your favourite mehendi/sangeet songs! I had a blast dancing to them as I wrote 😁💃


It was the week leading up to Naina's wedding. She was was off last week and this week. Even Hasan was gone since the beginning of last week on an assignment to Paris. It was a lonely two weeks.

I need more friends.

I was standing in front of my closet, trying to figure out what to wear to her two day invites. She said mehendi was going to be fun affair. Apparently all of Armaan's family was very big on the dancing and games. The reception would be a very fancy night so definitely need heels for that...

"What do you think Baburao?" I hold up a white garara with multi-coloured tassels and mirror work up to my cat, hoping some indication of an opinion would come through.

He blinks and then flops onto his side, falling asleep instantly.

I miss Rayyan. If he was here, he would have begrudgingly helped me pick out everything from my earrings to my matching anklets.

Oh well. I force myself to put together something.

The next morning, the office was abuzz. Many people were talking about Naina's wedding. Even if they didn't all know her, they knew of her. She was gaining celebrity status in this office.

Instead of taking an Uber home or waiting for my Dad to pick me up, I decided to take the Tube . It was nice outside and it would be quiet enough to watch Reels until my train came.

But of course my peace and quiet only lasts mere seconds before I bump into Mr. Moldy Towel while I'm shortcutting through the parking lot.

"Hi," I sigh, stepping back as he shuts the boot of his car and sees me.

"Hey," he leans on his car. I notice he's in full gear, guns strapped under holsters, the outline of a bulletproof vest on under a light jacket, and a walkie talkie on his shoulder. I think he notices my eyes go a bit wide and his face gets painted with the slightest amusement. "It's just security detail for the mayor's parade."

"Oh. Okay... I gotta go, my train is going to be here soon."

"Still can't drive?" he's now fighting a smirk, I can tell.

"Actually, I just got a new car. Waiting for it to arrive next week," I smile smugly. "I'll be sure to give you a ride when it comes, give your old steed here a break," I pat his car which probably isn't that old but I was obviously going to make fun of him for something.

"Get in, I'll drop you off," he rolls his eyes, unlocking the car with his remote. His car may be older but it was still a very expensive Volvo SUV.

"I'll take the train, it's okay," I shake my head but he points to the sky, cutting me off.

"It's going to rain."

I look up and see the darker clouds in the distance. He wasn't wrong. It will be a 15 minute drive but probably a 45 minute commute with public transportation and I'll probably get soaked by the time I reach home.

"Come on Maheen," he calls out, already in the driver's side.

I get into the car unenthusiastically, clutching my purse and tote bag to my chest. Something about the smell of the car takes me back to the last time we were in a car together, and the pit at the bottom of my stomach tightens.

Last First Chance (Al-Ameen Family Spin-Off)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang