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This is the last chapter 😭😭😭 There will be an epilogue but before that, a sneak peek to my new series. It will be something different than this one but still a lot of fun. Can't wait!


Once we were done briefing with Patrick and the rest of the team, we were dismissed to finally head to bed. I reach my room first but the second elevator pings just as I slide my key into my door. When I see Hasan round the corner, I wait until he reaches his door. We lock eyes and something unspoken passes between us. He grabs my hand and pulls me into his room with him. I don't wait a second before jumping into his arms.

"You were so badass today. It was so hot," I murmur against his mouth. He chuckles, setting me down on the bed.

"I have something for you."

"What?" I lean up on my elbows. He grabs a small box from his bedside table and then sits down on the bed beside me, placing the box on my stomach. "You've gotten me so many things," I frown.

"Just open it," he nudges my arm.


"I'll open it," he opens the box and pulls out the slim cuff bracelet with two diamonds on the end.

"This is too much Hasan," my voice wavers.

"No it's not. Let me put it on," he insists.

"No Hasan, I can't accept this. You never let me pay for anything, you give me expensive gifts, you buy me so much food. It's not okay," I shake my head, feeling overcome with guilt.

"Mahee," he swings his leg over and locks me under him so I'm forced to watch as he delicately slips the cuff onto my wrist. "I'm allowed to spend whatever I want on you. You're my wife remember? Who else would I do anything for?"

"I know but Hasan, this is too much. You shouldn't waste money like this."

"Why not Maheen," his hand chucks the box aside and then he flips us over so I'm pulled on top of him. "Mahee. I would do so much more if you just asked. I lov-"

"No!" I quickly put a hand over his mouth. "Don't say things like that."

"Why not?" he speaks against my hand.

"Hasan," I sigh, trying to move away from him but he tightens his hold, keeping me in place. My eyes were beginning to water but I'm not sure what I was trying to say.

"Why are you getting upset Maheen?" His voice is quiet, patient.

"I'm scared," I admit, not meeting his eyes.

"Why? Of what Mahee? I'm not lying to you. Just because you don't let me say it, doesn't mean I won't feel it."

I don't answer, instead keeping my stare on his shirt collar.

"O Sanka Maya," he coos teasingly, finally getting my attention. I glare at him through my watery eyes. "Come on Maheen, don't be such a crybaby. You should be enjoying this, taking everything I have before I come to my senses," he pulls me down into his arms and wraps his arms around me. I use the rhythm of his heartbeat calm me down. "Tell me what you're thinking."

I let out a breath before speaking up. "I had a crush on you when we were kids Hasan. And I never, ever expected anything more from it. But now we're here like this and it's scary to think we won't be like this in the future."

"I hate to remind you that you were the one who is stopping that from happening."

"I don't need your valid points here please," I whack his chest. "Help me out of this clown costume please." He lets me sit up and I throw my jacket off, enjoying the cool air on my arms. Hasan is fighting a smile as he watches me shake out my hair. "What?"

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