Cold War

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It's getting closer and closer to the end and I'm getting more and more sad about letting these two go 😢 Enjoy the chapter! 

It was a cold war. Silent glares, angry stares, but not a word more than what needed to be shared for work.

It might have been a cold war but I was feeling anything but.

He would sit across from me, glancing over his laptop when he thought I wasn't looking. I would make sure he knew I noticed by shooting daggers back.

At night we would take the elevator up together, unlock our rooms, and then throw a glance over our shoulders before we went to sleep.

This went on for three days before I was feeling my resolve shake. Hasan was stronger than I was, his stoic mask never faltering. I on the other hand would almost let out an audible sigh whenever his hand brushed over mine as he reached over me for a file or a pen.

He thought he was winning. But I wasn't one to back down either.

I knew he was working out in the middle of the night again, taking all of his frustration out on the punching bag. It was time I paid him an unannounced visit.

I waited until I knew he would be there before I joined him. He had his headphones blaring as he was on the benchpress. I walk over and sand in front of the mirrors. When he notices me, he immediately sets the weights down, sitting up and watching me warily.

I unzip my jacket and throw it down onto the ground before picking up ten pound dumbbells. Jutting my hip with a little extra flare, I stare at him through the mirror as I start a rep.

He watches with a blank expression for a minute or so before walking over to stand behind me. He reaches past me and grabs a fifty pound set before returning to his spot on the bench. He does his reps without breaking eye contact.

My arm begins to hurt after the twenty-something bicep curl. But I refuse to let this idiot see me in pain. I quickly put the weights away and walk over to my water bottle, taking a long swig from it. I shake out my hair, adjusting my tank's strap in the process and pretend to wipe away sweat from my collarbone.

He makes a distressed sound, quickly dumping his dumbbells on the ground and walking straight out of the gym. I snicker to myself, quickly putting my jacket back on and skipping back to my room gleefully.

The next morning I collected my clothes and towel and prodded over to Hasan's room. He opened the door after my knocking began to border on annoying, looking like he'd been woken up.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" I bat my eyelashes at him.

"No," he grumbles annoyedly but he lets me in. His bed was already made, so he probably had already woken up but maybe I interrupted his morning routine.

"My shower's hot water is broken. Can I use yours?"

His eyes bore in to mine impassively. "Really?"

"Yes, really. Do you want to go check?" I sass back, hoping my fake confidence will dissuade him from calling my bluff.

He's still for a moment before gesturing for me to go ahead. I saunter into the bathroom and lock the door behind me, getting to work.

I had already showered in my own room but I turn the water on while I put my plan into action. I take off my pajamas and put on the bathrobe I brought. I unwrap the few pieces of makeup I snuck in inside a t-shirt and dab on a light layer of blush, lipstick and mascara so it's subtle but still an upgrade to my bare face. My hair was in a ponytail and I unravel it, giving it some life and luster.

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