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We were making the most of this recent development in our relationship.

With the excuse of watching movies or needing a pen (not my brightest moment), we found excuses to sneak into each others' rooms at night. The charade would stay for mere moments before we were back to breaking all professional boundaries.

I felt so much more well-rested, so much lighter this past week. Breaking some physical barriers between us also helped me become more emotionally available and vulnerable with Hasan.

For the first time in a long time, I had someone I could go to for everything. When my cramps got bad, I could ask him to find me pain killers. When I missed Baburao, he would be there to hold me while I sulked and then called Naina who was babysitting him to let me talk to my indifferent cat.

He became something more than my best friend. He became my soulmate, not in a completely romantic way but more on a emotional level.

Hasan also seemed to open up more. He was still quiet, still always lost in his own thoughts, but he was much more expressive in other ways; in the way he ran his fingers through my ponytail when we watched TV together, or the way he kissed my forehead before sneaking out of the room every morning to hit the gym.

I was also so much more productive with work. Maybe it was all the dopamine going to my brain, but I was killing it with this case.

We hadn't gone all the way with each other yet. I wasn't sure if that's something he would be okay with, of something I could do. The depressing thought periodically crept into my head that one day he would find another girl who he would share this bond with, and maybe some things should be left sacred just for her.

We were reaching the end of another busy Thursday, many of the agents on the team already shuffling out of the suite we made into an office. It was just Reem and a few other people now wrapping up their work.

I was clicking rapidly through different maps on my multiple laptop screens with one hand. My other hand was under the table, drawing distracting circles on Hasan's leg beside mine. I could see his jaw clench and unclench from the corner of my eyes and I had to fight the laughter threatening to escape me.

Once the others left and Patrick said he was going to grab dinner, it was just us two. As soon as the door shut behind Patrick, Hasan smacked his hand over mine. "You're the worst."

I grinned up at him. "I know."

He was playing with my bangs, moving them back and forth on my forehead while I leaned on him tiredly. The maps on my screens were starting to blur. I was tired of looking for a needle in a haystack but it had to be done.

"Ready for dinner?" he asks, sensing my exhaustion.

"Yes, let's just go eat downstairs," I nod, standing up to stretch. He gets up as well from the table, rising to his full height above me. "I miss home cooked food. I get what you were saying about these long trips now."

"It hasn't been so bad this time," he smiles down at me cutely.

"Ugh, stop saying stuff like that, it makes me blush," I snicker, giving him a quick peck before turning back to my laptops. Right before I'm about to shut down for the day though, something catches my eye.

A circle on my left screen is dark red, indicating multiple people in one area from my list of potential suspects.

I draw in a sharp breath. "Oh my God!" Quickly pulling out my chair, I sit back down, rushing to get into security cameras to confirm my suspicions.

"What happened?" Hasan leans over me, watching the screen for what I was doing. Patrick comes back in that room just then with the others.

"Patrick, I think I got something," I wave him over. "Here, The Wonderwall club," I point to the screen.

Last First Chance (Al-Ameen Family Spin-Off)Where stories live. Discover now