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We're getting close to the end...  I'm working on something new but it makes me nervous. It is out of my comfort zone of story telling, but also I'm very excited 😅


"Oh my God, I'm going to die," Maheen said for the millionth time.

We were hiking through the cliffside, working our way up to the caves. To be fair to her, this was a difficult path, with many slippery and rocky bits to keep us all huffing and puffing.

Maheen and I were behind everyone else. Since the others were carrying the heavy backpacks and such, they took an easier path up, while Naina, Armaan, and us two followed the path less travelled. Naina and Armaan were getting through this like it was nothing, and were much further ahead.

We had almost reached the end, but I suddenly realize that Maheen is not beside me. I turn to see her struggling to hoist herself up the ledge I just climbed.

"You're going to have to lift me up," she frowns, standing with her hands on her hips as if she was scolding the rock formations.

I jump back down to stand beside her, but then stop. The easiest method would be to put my hands on her bottom and push her up, but I don't know how okay she is with that.

"Don't make this weird, just push me up," she rolls her eyes, taking hold of the trellises to pull herself up.

I place my hands on her butt, pushing her up on the count of three. Think about anything else Hasan. Dead puppies, moldy mushrooms, smelly socks-

"Are you planning on staying down there?" she raises an eyebrow with a hand out for me. I take her outstretched hand and help myself up. She continues to walk ahead, her petite figure almost bouncing with each step.

She turns around, walking backwards as she speaks, "Once you're in Dubai, I was thinking, what if I get another cat? Give Baburao some company while I'm at work."

My eyes narrow. "Don't you dare Maheen."

"Why not, not like you'll be around to be bothered by it."

"It's my place, and I'm saying no."

She stops in her tracks, a frown marring her face. "I thought it was my home now too."

"Maheen, I didn't mean it like that," I quickly walk towards her. "Don't be upset, I'm sorry. You can get whatever you want."

Suddenly, a Cheshire cat-like grin spreads across her face. "I'm just messing with you," she snickers.

"You're the worst," I shove past her but she runs after me, jumping up and locking her arms around my shoulders like a monkey.

"You're just too easy," she laughs, letting me drag her along the rough path.

I slow down so that she doesn't hurt herself . "Are you going to let go or continue to choke me until I die and then dispose of me in this jungle?"

"My feet are killing me," she whines.

"Fine," I stop and lean down, "hop on."

"Seriously?" she asks hopefully. I nod and let her jump onto my back. She wraps her legs around my torso and her arms around dangle in front of my chest.

"How does it feel being able to see above two feet?" I mock.

She flicks me on the cheek. "You're the one who's unnaturally tall. Don't put your insecurities on me," she taunts. I continue walking, seeing the others now in the distance.

"I should probably get down now," Maheen hums. Before we get close enough for the others to notice us, I stop, letting her down easily. "What do I owe you for the ride?" she teases as she re-ties her ponytail.

Last First Chance (Al-Ameen Family Spin-Off)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ