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If you have not already, please check out my new story called The Tale Teller! You can use the link here or visit my profile for the story.


On to the epilogue for this series now. Thank you all for this wild ride. My gratitude cannot be expressed in words. 💜💜💜💜


"Will you help me?" I ask Hasan, lifting my leg up onto the couch. He nods, sitting down beside me and putting Haneen on his knee while he helps me take my anklet off that was digging into my leg. I adjust Musaa in my arms so he doesn't wake up with the movement from Hasan shifting my leg.

Nazeeha smiles at me from across the room before turning her attention back to my eldest Meezan, who's name I totally stole from Safiyana's eldest brother.

They were all here, in Safiyana and Ayaan's house celebrating their tenth wedding anniversary. But between all the couples here, Hasan and I definitely had everyone beat for most kids in the shortest amount of time. And poor Hasan had no say once decided it was time to start popping them out.

He was the most amazing father and husband, always patient, always putting up with my insane mood swings and cravings. How we got through three pregnancies in six years, only God knows.

Naina and Armaan had one and only, as Naina puts it. Nazeeha and Ali had one on the way finally now that they both had finished all the million things they wanted to do.

Inayah and Yusuf had their two as well. Inayah had become a pesudo-life coach for me once Hasan and I had settled into our house a few blocks from them. She was a walking zen garden.

To celebrate their tenth wedding anniversary, all of Safiyana and Ayaan's siblings had thrown a surprise party, but it was nice to see every back together under one roof. Ali had started their wedding video on the large TV, and it was amazing to see how everyone had grown from young, naïve kids to the successful, settled people they were now. Life was not without trials, but we all had each other and that was what mattered.

"Time to go?" Hasan asks me quietly and I nod. Unlike the Maheen he married, this Maheen was getting old and had back pain, and couldn't stay out past 10pm with the kids.

We take our leave and pack all three kids and the three kids' backpacks into the car for the hour-long drive home. But within the first 15 minutes, the kids are all knocked out.

Hasan turns on his Spotify, playing the old Bollywood songs he loves to listen to and links his hand through mine in the middle of the two of us. I look over at him with a tired smile, soaking in the moment. After we had Meezan, it has been non-stop chaos with the kids. Our lives have been full of so much joy and celebration, but it's also made it hard to find time for us.

As we were getting closer, instead of getting off the correct exit on the highway, Hasan continued forward.

"Where are we going?" I groan playfully.

"Just hang on. One minute detour," he gives my hand a squeeze.

When he takes the next exit on the highway, I recognize where we're going. It's our parents' old neighborhood, and specifically the park we used to hang out at kids all the time.

"You sneaky bugger," I giggle, getting out of the car once he parks. We don't walk into the park though, instead sitting on the hood of the car so we can stay close to our sleeping demons. All the kids may look like Hasan more, but they definitely got my personalities.

"Happy birthday," Hasan pulls out a chocolate bar and cracks it open. I check the time on my phone and see it is actually midnight already.

"Thank you my love," I grin, giving him a quick peck before taking the entire chocolate bar from him.

He left the windows of the car open so that we could still enjoy the music. It takes me back to the olden days when we would do this after a long day of work and moving from his apartment to our new house.

"So what's next?" he asks, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. "All the kids are here, we've moved into your dream house, and the new season of Doctor Who is over."

"I think I've bulldozed over all your plans for these six years. You tell me now what you want," I smile up at him.

"I don't have anything in mind," he shakes his head slightly.

I lean away from him with an incredulous expression. "You're such a liar, you have a plan and I know it."

He smirks, knowing I know him too well. "Fine. Maybe we should have the fourth since that's what you initially wanted? Then move to a bigger house with a guest room for Rayyan. I'm thinking Dubai vacation home? And obviously Armaan is turning Meezan into a cricketer so maybe we should send him to a bootcamp for that?"

"Oh my God Hasan," I break out in a laugh. "You're such a nerd. But yes to baby number four, no take backs on that," I hold out my pinky for him to lock with his in a promise.

"If it's a girl, let's name her Rabia."

My breath catches in my throat. "After my mom?"

He nods. "She would be proud of us Mahee. We did good didn't we?"

I look over my shoulder at my beautiful kids and the back to my handsome husband. He still makes my heart stutter with every look, every touch, every moment we're together.

"We did," I nod, wrapping my arms around him too. "But I think I deserve a baby moon for this fourth one don't you think? I'm getting so fat because of your kids."

"So they're my kids now?" he grunts. "Haneen painted all over my laptop with your lipstick yesterday. These kids didn't inherit one ounce of my sensibilities," he rolls his eyes. "Also, you're not fat. You're just... filled out," he grins teasingly.

I pinch his side but he takes my hand and kisses my palm. "So where are we going?"

"Anywhere you want Mahee. I am at your service, now and forever."

"Think about it Hasan. This is your last chance to escape."

He laughs heartily. "This is probably my millionth last chance now. I think I'll stick around."

I smile against his embrace. "Good. That all I want Hasan. Now and forever."

Last First Chance (Al-Ameen Family Spin-Off)Where stories live. Discover now