Chapter 58

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Mon... Mon.... Sam whispered on mon's ears

Sam, i feel sleepy .. Mons sighed

Mon wake up ... Wake up.... Sam again tried to wake up mon

Sam what you want she asked without opening her eyes

I feel hungry ...

Sam if you feel hungry go down and have it  .

Mon i need river prawns , Sam said

Finally mon woke up and sat on the bed , Looking to watch and sam

Sam really you are insane it's 11'0 clock , you torturing me !!!! Mon looked at Sam

You only promised me that you will do anything for me...

Sometimes I'm confused about dating that I'm dating  a kid or what

Ok i'll wait for you in the car  come soon

Finally Sam and mon reached a place Sam is having her river prawn ..

Mom admiring Sam ...

Why are you looking at me like this , Sam questioned.

You are looking beautiful, Mon smiled

Only today !!! Sam asked

Babe .... You are always my queen

After finishing mon asked for a bill, but she got a note and a small box

"Hey sweetheart please blow the whistle " mon read out

And she searched for Sam and she is missing

Mon blew the whistle

Suddenly a lot of lanterns flying in the sky  , she looked at those lanterns and finally there is a fireworks on the sky blasting as


with tears mon turned Sam is standing with cake along with her Jim , Mon's dad and mom, Sam's mom and Grandmother , Irin and Olivia also wishing mon .

Mon ran towards Sam , Sam gave the cake to Jim .

Mon hugged Sam tightly and she started crying .

Mon why are you crying , you do not like my surprise !!!

No babe i love it , thanks for this .... Mon kissed Sam cheek.

Jim who standing next to sam, ok we are here mon you both can have this in your room , Jim teased Mon

Sam pinched Jim's back.

Everyone wished mon and mon cut the cake ..

Mon feeded the cake to sam and later to her parents and Sam's mom.

Sam gifted a ring !!! And plushie

Mon smiled like a kid seeing a plushie

Olivia came front and wished mon , gifted her a bracelet.

It's good choice olivia , it will suit for her , Sam replied

I know what will suit her , olivia replied sarcastically .

But Sam is not bothered about olivia's talk because she admiring her future wifey !!!!

Olivia called someone we need to execute the plan as soon as possible...

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