Chapter 88

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The day after mon leaves Thailand , i got a call from the hospital to collect my reports .

I informed mon and i went to the hospital the next day .

I waited in reception to collect my report .I was in call with mon . The receptionist told me to meet the doctor .

I am not ready to meet the doctor , i had an important meeting . I forced the receptionist to give my report so I could meet the doctor later .

The receptionist forced me to meet the doctor. I disconnected the call with mon . I informed Jim to take care of the meeting .

Good morning doctor !! I showed my report

Sam listens to me , are you alone today ?

Yes doctor

Where is mon, doctor asked me with serious face .

She is in Thailand

Sam !!! Listen to me !

Your blood report and other reports shows you are fine .

It's good shall i leave now , Sam get up the chair .

Sam but

But ....

Your CT scan is different

Why what happened .

Sam you have pancreatic cancer!!

Sam froze for a moment

Doctor are you serious ??? Can you please check it twice

I m sorry Sam , this is the truth

It's curable right ? Sam asked doctor with little hope .

I'm sorry , if it's in early stages it's most curable. but in your case already it's started to spread to other organs.

I never had any symptoms .

Yes ,This is because it often doesn't cause symptoms until after it has spread to other organs.

The doctor told me something was there for any treatment to cure it !!

Sam sorry !Already cancer started to affect other organs .

Sam with smile , ok doctor may i know how long i ll live .

It's only 6 - 8 months .

Sam we can try !!! Doctor patted Sam shoulder .

Doctor do me a favour , don't say this with anyone .

Ok sam from tomorrow we will start the treatment.

Ok doctor , Thanks .

I'm Sam I'm so strong and i drove the car quickly , i did not cry until i got a call from mon

Her name made me to broken into pieces . I cried and shouted .

I m not afraid of death but i m scare what mon will do if she know i m going to die .

Mon never had her own life . Her life is full of me .

This truth hitted me hard and i did not pick mon call . I know if i hear her voice i ll cry . I don't want that !!

I started the car .I reached the seashore.

It's our favourite place , i looked at the moon .

My mom used to say if i need anything I can ask the moon , moon will help me to get that .

Moon , i don't want to die and i need to live with mon. I love her . Please don't separate me from her .

I never believed in miracles .

I need someone to wake up from this bad dreams .

Reality is !! It is not a dream.

Soon a recap started in my mind . The days i spended with mon. Her kisses , love towards me .

I shouted and cried .

My mind is full of mon and mons thought made me to cry .


I think you people like this . If i disappointed i m sorry .

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