Chapter 70

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Mon did not sleep, the time is almost  2 , she thinks about bracelets , She asks herself .

Sam lied to me, Why did she lie to me...

Olivia noticed Mon who is sitting on the couch,  she moved towards her with the help of Walker

Mon you did not sleep .

Mon wiped her tears and looked at Olivia .

No i don't feel sleepy .

Are you crying mon , olivia touched mon shoulder

Noo .. i am not

Olivia sat next to mon

Mon you can say anything with me !!!

Mon cried and she did not say anything with Olivia

Olivia tried to console her and she touched the mon's shoulder  , Mon leaned on Olivia shoulder and she cried .

Sam searched for mon , mon is not in room so she came down and she saw mon leaning on Olivia shoulder .

Sam went down and she called mon

Mon, Sam called

Olivia soon took her hand from mon .

Sorry Sam , mon is crying i tried to console her , Olivia explained

Sam went close to mon , she saw mons crying .

Sam holded mon hand and lifted mon's chin .

Teerak what happened ,Sam gently asked Mon

Mon did not replied anything, soon Sam hugged Mon tightly

Mon buried her face in Sam's neck and started to cry .

Teerak , sorry what happened

You lied to me !! Mon said

What ?? Sam asked again

You lied to me ...

Sam break the hug and look mon.

What i lied to you , Sam asked

This bracelet, Mon pointed Sam's hand

I saw the same bracelet in Nita's hand . In her bracelet it has N initial and in you it's as S .

Mon i m sorry , yes it's gifted by Nita , i do not want to hurt you . Sam holded mons chin

But why you lied to me , you never lied to me ,this is the first time, Mon cried

I m sorry teerak , i ll not repeat it again promise .

Mon buried her face into Sam's chest

Sam looked at olivia , you can go to sleep i can take care her . Thanks for being with her .

Olivia left the place

Sam holded mon on her shoulder and she buried her face on her , she slept .

Sam sat on the couch and she patted mons back .

After an hour , mon started to blabber , don't lie to me Sam please..

Sam woke up from the sleep and she tried to make mon calm . After 5 minutes again mon slept .

Sam carried mon to the bed room and she layed her in the bed .

Sam kissed on Mon's forehead and said

I m sorry Teerak , i ll not lie to you this promise .

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