Chapter 93

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Sam , shall we go outside . Mon asked

Yes , where you want to go ?

I need to go to beach ... Mon smiled

Ok sure , give me 10 min i ll change my outfits

Sam drove the car to the beach .

Mon and sam on the beach sand .

It's a night time , Sam looking at the moon, mon holded Sam's hand and she leaned on it .

Mon , i need this night to be endless , i m not afraid of death . I don't want to be apart from you . Sam said in sad voice

Sam don't think about your death , live in the moment .

After few minutes , mon asked water .

Ok wait here i ll bring you the water .

Sam walked towards car and she took the water bottle.

When she came back , Mon is missing .

Sam searched mon and shouted her mon .

Soon she saw a table with some lightening and she walked towards .

Sam looked around , she saw her photos and mon photos hanging near the table .

The table is decorated with flowers and candles .

Sam turned and she saw mon kneeling down in front of her having a ring .

Sam will you marry me ???

Sam shocked and smiled

Mon what is this ?? Sam asked

I m proposing you !! Can you please reply soon , my dress is not supporting to kneel down for so long .

First you stand up ! Sam told

No,  say me yes then i ll

Mon.. Sam stared

Soon baby !!  Mon looked in pity face

Yes i ll marry you , now you get up

Thanks , mon said

She hugged her tightly, later they had a candle light dinner

As you accepted my proposal, we will be getting married tomorrow, Mon said while eating

Sam coughed and looked at mon

What tomorrow ??? Sam questioned

Yes tomorrow, already i made all the arrangements i know you will accept my proposal !!!

But mon you never asked me about this ???

I asked you now !! Mon replied

This is not fair !! Why are you hurrying up the things !!!

I m scared , mon replied

Sam asked because of my cancer

Stupid baby no

I m scared where you will ran off again , Mon replied

Mon i think you are taking decision in hurry mode . Please think twice

Soon mon stopped Sam talking by placing her hand on Sam's mouth .

Sam i need to be you wife that's it . We dont need to think about future .

So now eat and you need see your dresses . I already selected and finalized it .

Sam smiled but she is not happy with mon's decision .

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