Chapter 105

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Sam did not reply to mon message .

Listening to patrick , Mon tried and fed up . She need to have her lunch . Patrick is not ready to leave her . Finally someone knocked on my door .

Mon looked at the door , It's Sam with her favourite Bubble tea in her hand .

Mon smiled and ran towards Sam , she hugged her tightly !!!

Miss you Hubby !! Mon looked at Sam eyes

Miss you too wifey !! Sam giggled

Patrick we can catch up after the lunch , Mon asked patrick to leave the room

Ok say me ! How is your day ? Sam asked

Babe it's a hell without you , Mon leaned on Sam's shoulder

Why Teerak !!!

You know that i never want to take over my father business , but he need it , Mon said in low voice

Teerak !! It's ok , try to help him . Soon you will love all this .

Ok ok !! Don't waste my time asking about the things which i do not like ? Mon hold Sam's chin

Mon i m here to take you for lunch , shall we go and eat now !!! Sam looked at mon

Yes i m going to eat you !!! Mon replied

No !! Not now !!! Sam pushed mon

Sam this is not fair ! Mon turned her face .

Sam went towards mon and look teerak this is office. We will have it in our home till that

Sam kissed mon lips , mon pulled Sam nape and she made the kiss aggressive!!!

Sam took mon to a cafe which is backside of mon company

Mon is waiting for Sam who went to pick the foods .

Sam phone pop up !! It's unknown number

Hi !! Its Jasmine

Sam reached the table with foods in her hand .

Mon showed the phone to the sam

Who is she ?? Mon asked angrily

Oh it's my doctor , Sam replied

Why she need to text you !! Mon asked again looking at Sam

Who knows it ?  If i reply to her i can say, Sam grabbed the phone  and texted back

Hi !!

Are you free ? Jasmine texted

May i know why ? Sam replied

Mon looking all this with anger on Sam

Shall we go for a lunch ? Jasmine replied

Sorry ! I m outside.

It's ok , Jasmine replied

She need me to go for a lunch with her , Sam kept the phone on the table and said to mon

Wow, you haveany people's to take for lunch .

Mon what happened , she is my doctor that's it !!! Sam replied

Mon just ate her food , Sam tried to convince mom but she did not want to !!!

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