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"WHERE ARE YOU TAKING me, Morgana?" Emrys asked, stepping over a deteriorating log.

"To see the Druids," she nonchalantly replied.

"What?" Emrys grabbed Morgana's bicep and whipped her around to face him. "Is this some kind of joke? The Druids are a peaceful people. They won't help someone like you and I."

Morgana glared down at his hand around her arm, and Emrys released her. "I know," she replied, lifting her head his way. "But they will help Merlin." Emrys stared at her puzzled. "You will go to them pretending to be Merlin and tell them about your darker half who's planning to destroy Camelot. Tell them that you need help getting rid of him." She smiled. "Being people who practice light magic, they can't deny a plea for help."

"But will they kill someone to save Camelot?" Emrys asked. "Uther despises them. Why should they help save his kingdom?"

Her smile remained as she turned around and continued her stroll. "Because we have plans for the Druids. Believe me. They'll help one way or another. The Druids are very powerful. We'll need their magic if you truly want to be rid of Merlin." She twisted back around. "You do want to be rid of him, right?"

Emrys tightened his jaw. "More than anything."

"Then you won't complain about my decision," Morgana snapped. She marched onward.

Emrys glared at Morgana's back without following her. He snorted, the corner of his lip pulling upward. He should've known better. Morgana always was selfish. "We're not going to the Druids just for me, are we?"

She stopped in her tracks, but didn't turn to face him. "No," she admitted. "Truth is, I was already on my way to see them when I heard you call out."

He furrowed his brow. "What would you possibly need from the Druids? You agreed that they would never help someone like us."

The air was silent for several seconds until Morgana's voice finally broke the stillness. "Unfortunately, I need them." She flung herself around. "I need them to fight with us in our war against Uther."

"They would never," Emrys explained, dumbfounded. "I thought you were recruiting strong and powerful sorcerers. Not ones who cry whenever they have to kill just for food."

"There isn't enough of us, Emrys!" Morgana balled her hands. "I've either recruited or killed everyone there is." She paused and stood straight with her head held high. "Everyone except the Druids."

"Because they will never join us!" Emrys exploded, trying to get her to understand. He threw his hands out to the side. "And even if they did, how do you know they won't turn on us during battle trying to escape?"

A sly grin tugged at Morgana's lips as the breaking of dawn lit up her eyes. "Because I've got something important to them. Something they'd think twice about before screwing me over."

Emrys's eyes narrowed. "You going to tell me what it is?"

She chuckled. "Not really. Just get them to get rid of Merlin before he ruins everything for us." She turned and proceeded on her stroll.

"And if they refuse to help?" he called. "If they refuse to kill my other half, then what?"

She quickly glanced back at him. "Then you make them realize the punishment for not listening to us."

Emrys smiled before jogging to catch up. He didn't know Morgana's plan, or the leverage she had, but he loved how easily she could come up with devious plans.

"So, we'll have the Druids and your army," he continued. "Isn't that enough soldiers?"

"To fight against the Knights of Camelot?" Morgana chuckled. "I didn't take you to be stupid, Emrys. You've fought Arthur and seen how the Knights are trained." She glanced back at him. "We don't have enough." She paused. "You know what I need, and only you can get it for me."

Dark Merlin: The Man Called EmrysOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora