Chapter 8- Oh No! Accidents!

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Me and Wooly got home safe from our adventure today and we were free from Amanda.

I still thought about the glitch that Amanda made when I picked out the card. I don't know if she's possessed by a demon or she was born that way. Guess I'll never know until then.

I got rested up for bed and Wooly laying down beside me. My head then started spinning making me feel woozy. I got up and walked to get a glass of water.

"Hey Eva." Amanda's voice said in my head.

"Hello, Amanda." I said in a monotone voice.

"Have you broken up with Wooly yet? Remember our deal that we made?" Amanda asked.

"First of, no I haven't. Second, we never made a deal. You want me to hurt Wooly on purpose." I said.

"Exactly," Amanda said, "Once you and Wooly are officially over, I'll make you my little partner in crime. We can rule the game together." Amanda said.

" *scoff* Like that's gonna happen." I said.

"You have 6 more days. And it's going to get more tragic than the last." Amanda said.

Her voice left my head and I continued getting a glass of water. I swallowed the water whole and walked back to bed. I haven't told Wooly about the conversation me and Amanda have. But I know that she wants to get rid of Wooly.


I yawned out of bed and changed to my clothes, brushed my teeth and hair and walked downstairs to put my shoes on.

'Maybe I should see if Wooly is around.' I thought in my head.

"Wooly! Where are you!" I yelled.

I then found a letter on the fridge. I took it off the magnet and read the letter.

'Dear Eva,

              If you're wondering where I'm at. I'm at the playground. Hurry up because we don't have a lot of time left before she shows.


I then ran out of the house as fast as I could to the playground. I saw Wooly looking nervous and alone. So I ran to him and tapped his shoulder. He flinched, but noticed me facing him forward.

"Oh, it's you Eva." Wooly said.

"I came as fast as I could. What's going on?" I questioned.

"Look Eva, whatever you do don't- -" Wooly get cut of as everything turns to static.

It then showed Wooly injured on the same leg as before, crying. Amanda looked at him angrily as she did this. I gasped as I remembered that this happened before. I looked at Amanda with pure hate.

"Amanda, what did you do?" I said angrily.

Amanda then noticed me and started to act like she wasn't the one that did it.

"Oh no, Eva! Wooly had an accident! An accident is when something bad happens, but it's not anybody's fault. Accidents can happen in your house, at school, at the playground... You can get hurt almost everywhere!" Amanda said.

"I know you did this Amanda. You're not fooling anyone." I said. I knew her little game, but I wasn't falling for her act.

"Eva, I don't know what you're talking about. I found him like this." Amanda acted.

"You think I'm stupid to believe that?" I asked.

"I SAID I DIDN'T DO IT- - At three forty-five this afternoon, we were playing and Wooly tripped and fell." Amanda glitched.

"I...I didn't tri-" Wooly was then cut off by Amanda.

"Where on Wooly does it look like he got hurt?" Amanda asked me.

"His knee." I answered, knowing I had to not upset her

"That's right! Wooly hurt his knee," Amanda said, "Who can help when you are hurting?"

"Uhm." I said.

"WHY ARE EVEN HERE!" Amanda yelled.

I flinched at her screams and grew a little scared.

"You're wasting my time and I'm running out of patience." Amanda warned me.

"The doctor." I said.

"Let's take Wooly to the hospital and see a doctor." Amanda said, leading the way.

I helped Wooly up on his feet and helped him walk.

"Are you okay?" I asked Wooly.

"No. This hurts really bad." Wooly said.

"I don't how this happened again. It was just so quick. But I know what Amanda is doing." I said.

"Eva, can we talk about something?" Wooly asked.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I heard you talking to yourself last night and I wanted to know who were you talking to and what was it about?" Wooly said.

"Oh um I sometimes do sleep talking when I'm tired and it causes me to say random things. It's nothing to worry about." I lied.

I knew I couldn't tell Wooly about it because I didn't want to worry him. Plus I didn't want to make that same mistake again.

"You know you can tell me anything, right?" Wooly asked.

"Yeah, I know that. I swear it's nothing to worry about." I lied again.

Oh god. I'm turning into Pinnochio at the moment.

We reached to the hospital and found 3 rooms with different doctors.

"Okay, Wooly we made it." I said.

"Oh thank goodness." Wooly said.

"Hey Eva, do you know which room we should go to find the right doctor for Wooly?" Amanda asked.

I stood silent because I was thinking about not telling Wooly the truth. Oh my god, I feel so guilty about it. But I have to lie because I don't want it to get in the way between us.

"Wooly's in a lot of pain!" Amanda snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Please help me get to the right doctor." Wooly pleaded.

I couldn't stand Wooly in pain and I chose the middle room.

"C'mon! Let's get Wooly fixed up!" Amanda said.

We were now in the room. Wooly was on the bed holding his leg while I hold his hand. Amanda looked at me with love and lust in her, but I ignored it.

"Eva, Amanda, this really hurts. When is the doctor going- -" Wooly was cut of once again.

"The doctor isn't here right now! Let's see how we can help Wooly. Eva, which tool can we use to check Wooly's injury? The heart monitor, the X-ray machine, or the scale?" Amanda said.

"The x ray machine would help." I said in a mean accent towards Amanda, but she didn't care.

"That's right! Now we can look at Wooly's bones!" Amanda said.

We bandaged up his leg and we walked to his house. I sat him on the couch and sat by him.

"Is your leg feeling any better?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's feeling better. Thanks." Wooly said.

"No problem..." I said softly.

I still thought about the fact that I have 6 more days to break up with Wooly. I don't know if Amanda is going to kill him or wants him to be miserable. I'm scared and I don't want anything to happen to Wooly or me. We've both dealt with enough.

I'm still mad at Amanda, knowing she is now my soon to be enemy. I know she's plotting something else. I know when she's spying on us. I even know that I'm slowly breaking Wooly's heart by lying and keeping secrets from him.

He doesn't deserve this and he doesn't deserve me. Maybe just maybe....

Amanda's right. We should just break up.

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