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Another clear and monotonous night, I find myself looking at the window looking at all the colors of the city and wondering if something is going to suddenly appear or if I should go after it myself and see what awaits me out there, but why wait and see? same. I just took my first outfit from the closet and went out to have some fun, despite my random style drawing a lot of attention and not being very conventional with that red shirt and denim shorts with a light shade of yellow, not to mention my baby blue sneakers and my red plaid coat tied around my waist. "Go somewhere dear" my mother asks when she sees me coming down the stairs
"I'm just going for a walk to clear my head" I reply to her in a tone that she believes is ironic, but it's really just the dull sound of my tired voice. Then she just says to be careful followed by the famous question if I had my coat yet. That night seemed to be like any other boring and dull night, I had gone to my favorite coffee shop Latte Point and ordered my usual drink, a hot chocolate with extra cocoa and caramel tail and lemon zest then continued walking through the city with no direction or no idea where, I headed towards the waterfront, maybe walking and seeing other people was what I needed, and once again I was wrong, I just sat on a bench watching everyone go by while listening to Ariana Grande in the headphones.
I just sit there alone for hours listening to Ariana Grande's Into You eating a bag of jelly beans and some time later I'm approached by some boys who start bothering me deeply, making unfunny jokes about my sexuality, this is no surprise coming of straight guys insecure about themselves they just try to put others down to feel superior, when I told them to leave me alone it was the moment I got up to get rid of that embarrassing and inconvenient situation, until one of them pulled me by the arm and pushed me back.
"Where are you going little princess" said one of them in an aggressive and ironic
tone At that moment they had surrounded me and my only reaction was panic, I just went into despair, my hands started to sweat, my legs were shaking and I could barely stand talk, I knew I was ready to be pummeled when one of them grabbed me by the shirt and was about to punch me. That's when I had the apex of unexpected salvation, a boy on a motorcycle appears out of nowhere, I didn't know what to think or how to react, I thought he was one of the boys who wanted to beat me.
"Back off him" he had said, and in my point of view it had sounded like a threat, that was when they tried to face him, I never imagined being saved at that moment, he had just hit one of them and then made them people run in fear, some people say "it's good to see it to believe it", and I'm seeing it and still not believing that that one man had scared off 3 bullies with a single blow. He just looked at me and asked if I was okay and I was just totally enchanted with that look so seductive and attractive, with that Italian accent so graceful and with a little messy hair, all dressed in black with a shirt covered by a leather jacket, jeans and a pair of mid-top army boots, I also couldn't help noticing his various tattoos all over his body.
I was silent for a minute not knowing what to answer, he just warned me to be careful and that I shouldn't walk around alone, for a moment I felt like I was talking to my own mother, I just apologized and I told him he was right, that's when he asked me if I lived nearby, I had said that I was just out for some air, then he had offered me a ride, I didn't know if that was a good idea, after all he was just a stranger i had just met who had helped me and the next moment he wanted to take me home, at first i refused until he insisted, from that moment on i just remember being on his motorbike with the strong wind breeze on my face and a feeling of endless twists in my stomach.
He had dropped me off at my doorstep and I had once again thanked him for saving me, and I was wondering if that was really why I was thanking him and not just because I thought he was so cute
"You're welcome, just be more careful next time" he would say and I would be confused about the situation itself and with him adding that we would see each other soon and calling me "short" I would normally be upset, but on the contrary I was embarrassed and not knowing what to say, I just saw him leaving and then I went into the house with my mother asking where I was with an expression of fear, and asked why I had arrived so late, I really hadn't realized the time and I felt as if the night had been so short, I just replied that I was fine and that I had just gone to the cafeteria, although I was always open about everything with my mother, I obviously didn't tell her about everything that happened so as not to cause her worries. Right after that I went straight to the shower and all the time I just had an image in my head, in which I couldn't stop thinking about that boy and every time I thought about him I felt my stomach turning, my feet tingling and my hands sweating a lot more than usual, when I went to bed I lay looking at the ceiling and kept thinking about him, that's when I believed I heard his voice whispering in my ear, was it a dream or was I going crazy or was it just a memory of what I couldn't forget.
I had woken up the next day even though I hadn't slept at all the entire night, and as always I had woken up much earlier my mother thought I'd redeem myself for worrying so I made breakfast that morning with a note and then I just got ready for school , while I was waiting at the bus stop, I took some time to try to clear my head and nothing helped me more than a playlist saved on Spotify by Olivia Rodrigo. helped last night, just now that I was completely trying to get my mind off this very subject, and it pops up to me once again. He had just asked me why I was standing there alone and I replied that I was just waiting for the school bus, I didn't know if it was a simple coincidence or if they were following me,
"Hey, where do you go to school, shorty" he had asked me and soon after I replied with a kind of ironic tone that I thought I shouldn't tell much about myself to a guy I don't even know the name, "Bingo" he replied in a slightly sarcastic tone and then introduced himself, Jayden was his name, but many called him Jay after him, imposing and deep is how I considered him, despite from every effort I tried to ignore it, it was pretty obvious that I had a crush on him, it was so obvious it was a little embarrassing.
Lo and behold, I arrive at school and find my two best friends Rachel and Amber, who obviously have already come towards me with several whispers and already wondering who the mysterious guy on the motorcycle was, and exactly there I wanted to bury myself just so I don't have to answer, but obviously that was impossible, Amber soon arrived wanting to know about everything and a little more since she has always been the one with the strongest personality, in my opinion she just talks too much which in certain situations is even helpful necessary, since Rachel has always been the quietest one, and anyway, she was always the one I looked for advice on anything, which in my opinion makes him sometimes very protective of me and Amber, more deep down I know that he he just cares a lot about the two of us, especially Amber.
I tried to avoid deviating from the subject as much as possible, but it was impossible, Amber was very insistent, until I told them who he was and what had happened, and they were both shocked, yet another reason why I didn't want to talk about it. that matter, that's when I was saved by the bell by our calculus teacher Mr. Aiden, who was clearly not having a good day, which was not well regarded given my current situation, where my thoughts weren't well focused on the calculations, I spent the entire class without getting Jay out of my mind, I wondered, could it be that he's so amazing, what's so special about him that it makes me even confused, I wish I could say that I'm just kidding myself about what I think, only that I think it went far beyond my intellectual thinking, I think that it was something related to my emotional.
Later in the cafeteria I went to ask my friends what was really distracting me, as much as I wanted I couldn't help it on this subject, Amber said very enthusiastically that maybe I really had a crush on this guy, but as always Rachel had a type of a different approach, and that maybe I shouldn't get involved with anyone before meeting him and thinking about it, I think Rachel was right, after all before that day I didn't even know that boy's name, the only thing I had sure was that I really had feelings for him. After school obviously what I wanted most was to go home straight away and stay in my bed all day listening to some random playlist on Spotify, but Amber had suggested that we go shopping after school as usual, we were just sitting and just talking about very superficial subjects like clothes, school etc., until the next moment I come across the sound of a very familiar voice by the way, it was Jay, and of course he came towards me, at that moment. At that point I could already talk to him without my legs getting shaky all of a sudden, I introduced him to my friends, Amber couldn't hold back and for a moment she didn't hesitate to invite him to sit with us and I literally I just wanted to get out of there at that moment, but luckily for me he refused, but not before telling me that he wanted to meet me later that day along with a half-torn paper with his phone number, I just went into shock without even knowing it what to think or how to react,Rachel soon warned me that it wasn't a good idea and of course Amber didn't agree with him, and at that moment I found myself with my two best friends arguing and even more about me, anyway I had said I wouldn't call, seen by the fact that I wouldn't even know what I could say to him, at that very moment Amber pulled out my phone and texted Jay.
Rachel didn't think it was cool that she did that, I on the other hand was a little torn of course I didn't think it was right for Amber to do that, but deep down I felt grateful that she did, because I would never take the initiative to text her he. I just panicked, I know they are my best friends and they were just trying to help me, even though I didn't know what I really wanted.
At the same time I just got a message back asking if I had any plans for the evening, and obviously I didn't reply, at least not right away, it would be rude not to reply to a message even more so from someone you're probably into, I thought many times what else to say every time i was about to type i couldn't stop twiddling my thumbs, and after almost 20 minutes of just staring at the phone screen i had taken action, even though she wasn't the best ever, i said I was going to spend the night with my friends watching movies and watching reruns of series that we've already seen more than 10 times. It wasn't that I obviously didn't want to go out with him, but I just resisted the burden of having to deal with a guy I'd only talked to two or three times, I got home and my mother soon noticed the presence of Amber and Rachel, and exclaimed to me why they had come with me, Amber just interrupted me, and told this ridiculously false story about that they were going to sleep at home for a movie marathon, of course, my mother immediately found it strange, but after a while she accepted it without any problems. That night had started with an entire Gossip Girl marathon with the three of us eating lots of candy and whatever else we'd bought from the convenience store. By then I had gorged myself on a whole pack of my favorite denture mints, it was past midnight and all I could hear was Amber's deafening snoring as she and Rachel had fallen asleep, but I kept to myself. awake, not because I wanted to,
I heard a knock on the door and my mother came in asking if Amber and Rachel were going to stay for coffee with us, but they gave us but an excuse as usual to leave, I got a text at the same time, it was Jay saying to meet him at the end of the day street, at the same time I told my mother that I was going to accompany my friends, I don't know why I did that, but in my opinion I had only acted on impulse, I went with Amber and Rachel to the end of the street and we found the Jay, he asked where we were going and once again my friends made the same excuse to leave me alone with him, he invited me for a walk, in my head it looked like a little doubtful, but for some reason I ended up deciding to go, I found myself in the same situation as two nights ago, just thinking that that night he had just given me a ride and now he had actually asked me out , even though it wasn't really a date, he said it was just a ride around town, I came across that scene again, me on the back of the motorcycle, I could feel his shoulders, they were so strong, I even saw and felt a shiver and a little chill in my stomach.
at the same time I was nonconformist how could he know what my favorite drink was? That's when I realized that there was something weird about that boy, but not a bad weirdo, but like he was something special, I couldn't quite describe it, like he already knew me and always had an ace up his sleeve with a good occasion. -prepared, but at the same time always managed to surprise me, all I knew was that I was feeling pretty good.
We sat and talked for hours and in that moment we got to know each other better, Jay was a college student in his last semester of Business and I was just a 3rd year high school student, that seemed a little strange, I was only 16 years old, and standing there talking to a 20-year-old guy, made me feel a little immature but at the same time I learned a few things about how adult life can be difficult, but the only thing I couldn't imagine was Jay being a college student, that lone wolf and rebel without a cause style, to me he sounded more like a guy from a biker gang, but looks really can be deceiving, or maybe it was just me just getting the wrong impression of someone I didn't even know right, who knew that behind all that bad boy shell,would have someone with an intellectual vibe, when he asked me more about me, I panicked not knowing exactly what to answer at first, and after almost 2 minutes of scratching the table I thought to myself that it was kind of unfair, after all I about he, while he didn't know anything about me, I told him that I lived alone with my mother and that I had two older sisters who lived in different countries, and it was funny how our lives were completely opposite and that I couldn't believe we got along so well.I told him that I lived alone with my mother and that I had two older sisters who lived in different countries, and it was funny how our lives were completely opposite and that I couldn't believe we got along so well.I told him that I lived alone with my mother and that I had two older sisters who lived in different countries, and it was funny how our lives were completely opposite and that I couldn't believe we got along so well.

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