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During the week Amber, Rachel and I were planning to spend the weekend
together, no parents, no siblings and no boys, absolutely nothing, a weekend with no distractions wasn't exactly the ideal weekend, but it was a fact of life. that it's been a while since we've done something together, it would be nice to spend a weekend together just
the 3 of us.
– Come on guys, what can we do? –
– Why don't we spend the weekend at my place? –
"Or could we go to the movies together?" –
– No I want to do something really fun –
"I don't want to just spend the weekend locked in my room or..."
– Stay two hours in front of the movie screen –While Amber was thinking and
talking about what we could do, I saw my cell phone vibrate, when I looked I saw that Jay had sent me a message saying he wanted to meet me after class
– What is Nate? we want to spend some time alone and you're just talking to Jay - – Sorry, but he wants to see me after class –
"We can talk about this later, okay—"
I told Jay I would really like to see him after school but I couldn't because Amber and Rachel had already said we were going to focus on us but they didn't need to know I was meeting Jay after school , so I told him to meet me at the cafeteria, when the day was over Amber wanted us to go to her house together and I ended up saying to meet Jay, that wasn't a problem since when I left he had appeared in front of the school waiting for me , I saw that Amber had been a little upset at that moment.
– And the thing about spending time with just the three of us –
– Sorry, but I said he wanted to see me after class –
- Look, I promise we'll do something another time, okay, kisses, I love you - After I
said goodbye to Amber and Rachel, Jay had asked me if everything was
okay, he had noticed that there had been a bit of a heavy atmosphere between us ,
but I explained that everything was fine, Jay hadn't exactly taken me home, in fact
he had taken me to his house to spend the day together, I soon realized that it was really kind of unfair to have left the girls plants to be with Jay, but in my defense I
really thought he was going to take me home.
"Then why are your friends so pissed off?" –
- Well they... were thinking it was better for us to spend time together, you know... just the three of us -
- I thought they were getting along with Zack and Carter, just like you and I -
"You know, I thought they were leaving too—"
– They were, but it's a thing between us, you wouldn't understand –
"Well then why don't you guys go out together after class"
– It must be because you appeared out of nowhere in front of the school saying you were going to take me home – - Then I had an idea, why don't you guys go to Coat Fire this Saturday -
– There's going to be an open stage night, and me and the boys are going to play, you could come too –
"Jay, I don't think you got the idea of just the three of us together—"
- Hey, just because we'll be around doesn't mean you won't have fun alone -
– Besides, you can also introduce yourselves if you want, let's go it will be fun –

For a moment I even thought if it was a good idea, because ideally it was just between me and the girls, but I actually found it quite amusing so it didn't hurt to ask them, the worst thing they could say was no. When I went to school on Thursday, I told them about what Jay had told me not to mention that he had the idea himself.
– Guys what do you think of a place called Coat Fire –
– Look there's going to be an open stage night, I thought we could go –
– Open stage? –
– Yeah, like karaoke, you know? –
– How do you know this place –
– I... saw a flyer at the convenience store near the coffee shop and it looked interesting –
– Okay, I liked it – Amber, as always, was up for anything and everything
– I don't know guys, singing is not really my thing –
– Which is Rachel, you guys told us to spend more time together –
– Yeah Rachel will be fun –
I understood the fact that Rachel was always more careful with everything, as far as I understand myself she was always like that, the one who always saved us from the worst situations, like that time we went to the zoo and she saved us from the incident in the monkey cage, or the time we went to the botanical gardens and she had to untangle Amber's hair after having tied it up in several vines, clearly if it weren't for Rachel, I think the two of us would always be grounded in the biggest part of the time or worse, and despite knowing Amber longer, I felt a greater connection with Rachel, I knew I could rely on her more if something went wrong, I guess it was my turn to return the favor for him somehow.
- Rachel you always do everything to help us especially Amber -
– Let us repay you, let's go to the party, please –
– Okay, but I won't sing –
"Okay, it's still going to be fun."
– See you on Saturday at 7 –
I felt a little bad after lying to them, I know I should have said the boys were going to be there, but anyway it still wouldn't stop us from having fun even though they're there, when it was Saturday I just realized I was afraid, but at the same time excited, I went to meet Amber and Rachel straight at the Coat Fire, and when I got there I saw Jay, the next moment Amber just stared at me deeply saying it was supposed to be a night wow, I had lied again and said I didn't know Jay was going to be there, and even though she was still suspicious of me and rightly so I tried to stay in character as much as possible, I just remember we went through the night smoothly and Jay had offered a place for us along with him and the boys
"Then since you're here why don't you sit with us-"
– It would be nice, but we promised it would only be the three of us remember –
– All right, you can have the table, we had to get ready to play anyway – – Are you going to play? –
- It's our band will perform on stage -
- Jay you didn't tell me you had a band
– I must have forgotten to mention, I didn't think it was that important – "Anyway, you can introduce yourselves too if you want to."
Well, Amber wasn't going to pass up the opportunity to get some attention, Rachel certainly wasn't excited at all, but I knew that at some point

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