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Halloween night had literally been a complete terror for sure, but I have to admit it was quite a night, my first reaction the next day had been to call the girls to make sure everything was ok, and apparently nothing seemed out of place. normal, the plan of the night at the friends house had worked, except for me, right since I had to rely on Mark's unwanted help to make my mother believe that I was home, but at least he had been useful in some way thing, I couldn't imagine he would actually think he could father me, come on I may not have gotten an email from my dad for 9 years but that doesn't mean I need another guy bossing me around like I was the one.
Speaking of email, I had one more thing on my mind, and maybe I should have been more concerned, it was almost the end of the semester and I hadn't even sent my college application yet, I guess I've been too distracted these last few days with so many things going on at all times, although I still have my doubts about trying to apply just to one of the most in-demand colleges and ruining my chances of having a chance of not being accepted, but my time was running out, so at that moment I did exactly what I least expected, I ended up entering the UCLA website, and I ended up sending my application, even knowing the unbelievable possibilities, but it was really what I should have done a long time ago, and for one second I nearly freaked out like Rapunzel in the Tangled movie,"I can't believe what I did".
Meanwhile I also needed to focus on finals, and apparently I wasn't the only one as both Rachel and Amber were thinking the same thing as me, Amber excited as usual had also sent the application to UCLA, however Rachel had said she was still waiting for the right moment, which was strange since we were almost graduating and she seemed to be worried, but I didn't think it was just with college yes, she kept acting strangely, as if I was nervous and anxious, as if there was still something she wasn't telling us, but to some extent it didn't seem to be anything that serious.
I took the rest of the day to distract myself a little so I went to spend a little time with Jay, maybe it would be good to vent a little to him, after all I couldn't vent about my friends to my friends, so Jay was apparently the most apt one, as he was the
only one I could talk to about these other matters sometimes, and look, I
ended up discovering that he was a very good listener.
- What's up, is there something bothering you? –
- It's nothing, I don't want to bother you with it -
- Then you don't bother me -
– In fact without you I would spend most of my time just watching horror movies in the dark – - Well, I sent my application to UCLA the other day, and I still haven't heard back -
- I'm worried what if they don't accept me -
– They would be dumb to do that, you are amazing and very smart –
– Are you saying that because you believe me or just to make me feel better –
- It depends? It's working - Jay had told me, although I thought it was cute and a little annoying - I'm also worried about Rachel, she's been acting weird these last few days -
– Strange how? "I don't know, it's like she's hiding something—"

– Maybe she's also just nervous about the college's response –
- I thought that was it too, but she hasn't even signed up yet -
– Every time Amber and I try to talk about it, she always changes the subject –
- What if she's thinking about going to another college Jay? –
– I don't see much of a problem with that Nate –
- It doesn't matter if you go to different colleges, you'll still be friends -
- Even so why doesn't she say anything, that's weird -
– Well, even friends have secrets sometimes –
- Will she tell Carter everything like you're telling me right now for example - For a
second I even thought about telling Jay to ask Carter if he knew anything about why Rachel was acting weird lately, but maybe it wouldn't be nice to meddle in their personal matters, not to mention that I didn't want to involve Jay, so I decided I would just ignore and respect my friends' personal space, but still nothing could get me out of my mind that Rachel was hiding something from me.
A few days went by and I was antsy, finals were about to start, and I really wasn't worried about anything except my grade in math, seriously a C clearly wasn't going to help me much to get into UCLA, I had to do it something to make it better, and a lot, my only chance was to pass the final exam, which was pretty nerve-wracking considering I've always sucked at math, not to mention counting down the minutes to prom, but about that I was certainly super excited, because I knew that Jay was going to agree to go with me, so that gave me more time to concentrate on the tests, I had been studying for weeks, there was no way I could fail this test, and of course that I had an extra incentive, after all, Mr. Wilson was a fan of the Beatles,
I had planned for everything to go well, all that was left was my UCLA admissions letter, I couldn't wait to hear about my result, I felt like at any moment I could pass out, and I wasn't the only one to Amber she seemed much more anxious than me, I couldn't say the same for Rachel, it had been a few days before we finally received the letter in response to the university, but something was wrong, Rachel said that she still hadn't received anything regarding the university still, and whenever we asked each other, she would give us countless excuses, such as: "Maybe mine is late" or "I can wait a little longer", it was strange to see that she was not that worried, but at the same time she was so nervous for a long time, but although we didn't want to open our letters together,Rachel insisted we could see before her no problem
"Are you sure everything's okay?" –
– People, you don't need to wait for me to receive my result to see yours –
– They can open without problems – If you say so –
Amber and I eagerly opened the envelopes, when we saw each other we almost screamed so loudly that Rachel was startled, we had made it, we got into one of the best colleges in Los Angeles, I couldn't wait to tell my mom, but mostly to Jay, but I felt like it wasn't the same without Rachel, it was a little weird that she didn't get confirmation with us, but she seemed happy for us, and said that in time we would know the truth , I felt that she meant something else by that, but

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