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Anyway, summer was over, I had woken up that morning without being able to get what had happened the night before out of my mind, I wanted that all that had been just a nightmare, but unfortunately, even I had not been exempt from the control of the situation in which my mother caused, all I knew is that that morning certainly wasn't going to go unnoticed, but I didn't care much no matter how tense the atmosphere was, what I needed was to distract myself even if it was going to school, when I went down to school downstairs I saw my mother getting ready for work I tried to sneak out so I could go to school without her noticing, it wasn't that I wanted to avoid her but in our current state it didn't seem like a good conversation with her right now. I had just taken my backpack and left, I went straight to the bus stop, and I never thought that going to school would be so rewarding, I had left in such a hurry that I forgot to have breakfast, I felt my stomach growling loudly, and all I had was an apple that I saved for later, but I don't think I had lots of choice besides that. When I arrived at school and told Amber and Rachel what had happened, they were in complete disbelief.
– No kidding, your mother found out that Jay was older –
"Actually, he told her himself—"
– And then she said he was too old for me and forbade us to see each other –
"Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to introduce him to your mother."
– Do you think, she thought Jay was a delinquent –
- What are you going to do? –
– I don't know yet, but Jay won't let my mother disturb us – After school I had gone
home, and what I least expected was that my mother would find out even more about Jay, and even worse to have found out about that actually happened in the summer, my mother had spoken to the director about the camp and ended up finding out that I hadn't gone, that's when I told her the whole truth, I immediately panicked, I knew he would definitely give it to me such a scolding and would probably ground me for life if that were even possible and worse still I would risk harming Amber and Rachel if my mom told her parents what happened, but instead I I had been shocked by what she said.
"Do you really like this Jay guy?" –
- Mom I... yes, actually Jay is the most amazing guy I've ever met mom - "Honey, I know it can seem like you're in love—"
– But sometimes when you least expect it, you can get your heart broken –
- Mom why do I feel like there's something you're not telling me? –
My mother had started to fill her eyes with tears, and my mother began to tell me about what had happened to her and my father, I found out that they fell in love when they were young in college and that my mother did everything to make them stay together, but when she found out that he wasn't who she thought it was, it was like her whole world had collapsed right then and there, I always thought that the reason for the conflict between me and my mother was because we were so different, but that's where I I could see that in fact she just wanted to protect me, and prevent me from suffering like her, for a single moment in my life I realized that maybe my mother was right about something, I tried to tell her that Jay was different, that I

I trusted him and that he was a great guy, my mother was just very afraid that I would suffer, but she knew that she couldn't stop me from wanting to change how I feel, that's when she realized the mistake she had made, and wanted to fix it .
- Why don't you call Jay again tonight so I can apologize to him -
"Okay, but promise you won't try to kick him out again."
I was so glad that my mum finally understood how I feel, even though it
took a while for it to sink in, but I was still thinking about what she said about my dad and how he made her suffer, that's where I I saw that love seemed more complex than it seemed, I think my mother was right and I would already know how to deal with the fact that one day I could also be hurt or betrayed because I really believed that I was special to me, and the more I thought about it, but I wanted to be able to give in to the fact that I could really trust Jay, I knew that somehow he loved me and I couldn't even imagine him doing anything to break my heart anyway. That night I told Jay to meet me at my place, he was a little worried about my mom having the possibility of freaking out again,
- It's true Jay, I wanted to apologize to you -
– I actually judged you without knowing you –
– But I realized how important you are to Nate, so... I'm sorry – - It's okay Mrs. Hernandez -
"I wasn't entirely honest with you at first, either,"
- So I guess we're even -
At that moment I was so touched, it was good to see that my mother had realized that Jay was a nice guy, at least I didn't have to worry about having to sneak out of the house every time to see Jay, we even had a seat on the couch to watch a movie together, at the end of the night all I could remember was watching halfway through the Cinderella movie or something. The next day when I woke up, I looked straight at the clock, and then I got scared when I saw the time, it was already past 9, and I immediately jumped out of bed trying to get ready for school, when I went downstairs I saw my mother still on the couch, she had told me to take the day off, she had called Principal Banks saying I was sick and while she gave the same excuse for not going to work, I was thoughtful, but I think my mother had everything under control after all last night everything went well! But I was still a little confused.
"Mom, what happened last night?" –
- Well you passed out and Jay carried you to your room right before he left -
- And you're okay with it -
– Well obviously I had made an error of judgment –
– Jay seems like a really nice guy –
- He told me everything he's been through -
– What did he tell you? –
– He told me what happened to his parents –
I was very nervous, I thought that my mother was going to tell me never to see Jay again after knowing absolutely everything about him, even more so because he had gone to reform school, but in relation to that she reacted better than I expected, in the I actually thought it would be very different from what I imagined, but I think that having Jay in my life ended up making the relationship with my mother improve a lot, I could never imagine her accepting me dating an older guy, even more so an ex- convict, in fact the way my mother spoke she seemed to be moved, as Jay had faced and overcome so much, that was something in my mother and I we agreed, and I was happy to see how she saw a side of Jay that was much deeper than anyone realized.
When I went up to my room I saw a note stuck in my backpack, which said that Jay had felt embraced by my mother, and that he understood why she was so protective of me, and that I should value that more in her, I couldn't believe that Jay was capable of anything, even improving my relationship with my mother, it's okay that it wasn't 100% yet but at least it was a good start and probably maybe it could evolve a little bit more.
Too much it was almost autumn, it was the time of year when I wasn't that big of a fan, for some reason I always got along better with the heat, most of the time besides going to school I just stayed in my room, with the same boring routine as usual, listening to thousands of songs until I fell asleep, it seemed a bit obvious and boring, but I certainly didn't have much else to do besides that, not to mention that I was completely under pressure regarding school, not the my grades themselves of course, but I had less than a few months to go before I had to apply to college, it was decidedly a very sensitive time to focus on, it was pretty clear that I intended to get accepted to UCLA, but I had to explore my other options further,because everyone knows that applying to a college was just a bit of a long shot because of the risk of not being accepted it was quite dangerous, but I certainly wouldn't worry so much if it didn't depend on my grade in physical education, seriously my performance should be used for other things besides throwing a dodgeball at someone.
I was about to graduate from high school, it was going to be one of the most memorable moments of my life, not to mention my prom, it was a lot to deal with, I honestly didn't even know what my life would be like life for the next few years, I wish I could disconnect from everything just for one day, it was very stressful to have to go back and forth as if everything around me was getting more and more fulminating, maybe the answer to all my problems could be reduced to just one thing that was Jay, how he always seems so much easier, but I couldn't afford to always expect Jay to help me forget about my problem or could I? It was like he was the big bucket of water in the middle of all my fire, even when he wasn't around, That night I had sat on the balcony window just watching, it was a very cold night it felt like I was going to freeze, and every time I looked down the window it always reminded me of Jay playing the guitar, the time he made me a serenade, I thought it was cute and a little funny, it really reminded me of those cheesy 90's romance clichés, after I got back in, I was fed up with all that boredom, I had taken my CD's and put them on the radio and spent the night just danced to every song possible until i was exhausted and fell asleep, i just remember waking up the next day feeling great and refreshed.

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