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After two long weeks when we got back home we were going to have to go back to the same boring routine as usual, but I could see that there was something different about my mother she was certainly happy to have me back and said that she had missed me a lot too, but there was still something i couldn't quite put my finger on but i just ignored it, after all i think it would be nice to spend time with her after the two weeks i was gone i told her we could do what we always do plopped down on the couch and watch a random movie, but for some reason my mum didn't seem to mind too much that I stayed out, she mentioned something that maybe I might be tired and that I could go to my room and rest, I clearly thought a little strange, but I accepted it subtly,but nothing could get me out of my mind how my mother looked so good, even though I spent so much time away from her, I decided to observe more since I knew that my mother was strange in some way.
The next day I had discussed this with the girls, and they immediately wondered if I was serious, since according to them it didn't seem like a big deal.
– So you called us, to say that your mother is happy –
– I don't get exactly what the problem is –
"No, it's not that, it's just... it seems like she hasn't even been alone—"
"You didn't even look as thrilled that I'd come back."
"Maybe she took some time to relax while you were gone—"
– Yeah, maybe she went to a spa, or whatever –
Although my friends didn't believe me I could have sworn that there was something different about my mom, but maybe I should listen to Amber and Rachel, it could just be in my head, I just went back home and tried to forget about it anymore.
– Hi dear, where did you go? –
– Nothing much, I just went to meet Amber and Rachel –
- Oh great, I'm glad you're spending more time with your friends -
- Actually mom, I thought about it and... what do you think about spending more time together - – That would be great honey, but I've been kind of busy lately –
- With what? –
– Oh you know! Work things –
- Listen, why don't you go out tomorrow with Amber and Rachel, you can go to the movies maybe -
- But I just got back from a trip with them, wouldn't it be better for me to stay with you? –
- No honey, you don't have to worry about me, okay? –
- All right then -
That was weird, if I didn't know my mother well I could have sworn it was like she wanted to get rid of me somehow, I couldn't help but wonder what all that strange behavior could be, it felt like she was hiding something from me , so I decided to investigate my mother further to see if something was wrong, while I was trying to deal with my mother's problem, I also couldn't help but think about Jayden, I know I just spent a good part of the entire summer with her , but after all I had just kissed him, it would be weird not to talk to him after that, I called him to meet me at the cafeteria, I really needed to talk to someone since Amber and Rachel didn't seem to be giving much importance to the my mom's business, that afternoon when i went to see Jay i told my mom i was going to meet the girls, she didn't care much and just said to take care of me, before i left i asked her if she didn't want something from Latte Point.
– Oh no dear thank you –
I found it strange that she didn't tell me to come back very late, after all that was her main card whenever I went to meet Amber and Rachel, and she didn't even notice that I had noticed it, but anyway I went to meet Jay at Latte Point and told her him about how my mom was acting weird.
–Don't you think you're exaggerating a little?–
– I don't know, maybe she's just glad you came back, that's all –
– After all, you spent two whole weeks away from her—
– If that was really it, don't you think I should spend more time with her?–
– She doesn't even want me to stay home!–
– It's like she doesn't want me around –
- Maybe she needs some time to herself -
–She's really had enough time for this–
Although Jay wasn't totally convinced by what I said, I decided to go further and told him that we were going to solve the big mystery behind my mother, he offered to help me, I told him that my mother would wait for me went to the movies with Amber and Rachel on Friday, so I told him he was going to give me a ride instead to help me follow my mother, to see what was really going on, that Friday I just followed the plan and ran into Jay at the end of the street, and I was waiting to see what my mother would do, suddenly I had seen a silver car parked in front of my house, and my mother driving towards it, after she had entered the car, I soon became convinced that I was right my mother was hiding something, that's when Jay and I followed her to find out where she was going,we had arrived at a very fancy restaurant in the center of the city, when I saw my mother walking in with a guy, I understood right away that my mother was clearly seeing this mysterious guy, I told Jay to take me back to the house, and i couldn't believe i had just seen my mum going out with a guy i didn't know, but i couldn't blame her, after all i was also having a secret relationship that she didn't know about, when i got home jay had offered to stay with me, but I don't think it was a good idea for me to be with him at the same time that my mother was seeing another guy, I certainly had a lot on my mind, Jay had held my hand and said to I didn't think about it too much, but I couldn't help the fact that my mom was seeing a guy.
"Perhaps this is not exactly your anguish—"
Jay was right, I wasn't really coping well with my mom seeing another
man, not that she couldn't move on, but something in me said it didn't feel right.
–Nate, can I ask you something?–
- Sure -
– You talk a lot about your mother, but what about your father? You never spoke of him –
At the same time I was back up myself, I really didn't talk much about my father, maybe because this topic was a little sensitive, but still was a fact that I couldn't avoid at all, but whenever it turned to the things of my father what I wanted most was to be able to avoid as much as possible, but Jay was not a simple person, I trusted him and felt like I could tell him anything. That's when I decided to tell him what had happened between my parents. I told him that my father was never exactly there for me to help when I needed it, he had abandoned me when I was just a child, and after I grew up I found out that he had left my mother for some whore he met at the bar, his absence was certainly something that shook me deeply, even more than my sisters, Jay had embraced me and I could only feel how opening up to him made me feel even more embraced.
– I think maybe the problem isn't your mom seeing another guy—
–Maybe it's because you still haven't gotten over your dad leaving– For some reason I let myself believe that maybe Jay might be right, maybe I wasn't taking too well that my mom was with me. someone other than my father, and going through new adaptations and changes was never my strength, trust me I went through it even in puberty, but I had to somehow deal with my mother moving on , after all she wasn't the only one with secrets, and that got me thinking how to explain to her about Jay, what her reaction will be, and I also wondered how to pretend surprise when she was going to tell me about the new guy she was with coming out, there were so many questions that it seemed far more complicated than Mr. Aiden.
Jayden had made me see the other side, which made me even more upset, but he tried to calm me down and said that I needed to distract myself for a while and suggested that we go out together, so I had agreed and why had I also told my mom who was at the movies, it was going to be weird for her to see me home so early, we had gone to his house, by the pool, Jay had really taken the plunge and I was just watching him from afar.
– Get in there softly –
– The thing is, I don't have a bathing suit –
- Come in with my blouse -
– I don't think it's a good idea –
– Oh relax, come in there –
I had entered I could only feel the sensation of the cold water covering my whole body, Jay had approached me and asked me if I was cold, and then he hugged me saying that he could keep me warm.
- Are you better? –
- I think so -
Jay was very careful, he had a delicate touch, but at the same time very strong, I found it intriguing how he managed to be so precise, in every moment we were together the surprises were totally enigmatic, as if it were a complicated puzzle where I had to figure out where all the pieces fit together. After we got out of the pool he told me to close my eyes, I couldn't imagine what he could do, but it certainly wasn't something that could be better than anything he'd ever done. When I opened my eyes I saw a necklace around my neck, it was shaped like half a heart with my initials on it, Jay had the necklace with the other half and said that whenever I felt lonely or distressed I could, hold the necklace and remember him, that was the cutest gift she had ever given me, even though it wasn't the first, i still kept the teddy bear he'd given me at the amusement park, i wanted jay to be able to see how much i really was in love with him and that he felt the same way, even though he had a little rougher attitude, but I knew he really felt the same way about me. After I went home, my mother still hadn't arrived, and it was already quite late, when minutes later I heard the key in the door, I ran straight to my room, put on my pajamas and lay in bed with all the covers on top me, I almost freaked out, if my mother found out that I had arrived minutes before her, she would I wish Jay could see how much I really was in love with him and that he felt the same way, even though he had a slightly rougher attitude, but I knew he really felt the same way about me. After I went home, my mother still hadn't arrived, and it was already quite late, when minutes later I heard the key in the door, I ran straight to my room, put on my pajamas and lay in bed with all the covers on top me, I almost freaked out, if my mother found out that I had arrived minutes before her, she would I wish Jay could see how much I really was in love with him and that he felt the same way, even though he had a slightly rougher attitude, but I knew he really felt the same way about me. After I went home, my mother still hadn't arrived, and it was already quite late, when minutes later I heard the key in the door, I ran straight to my room, put on my pajamas and lay in bed with all the covers on top me, I almost freaked out, if my mother found out that I had arrived minutes before her, she would

would kill, she had entered my room and saw me on the bed thinking I was sleeping, she not knowing that I was still awake, whispered lightly in my ear: "if only you were prepared for what I have to tell you" , when I heard my mother speak, I felt a little guilty, maybe it was better for me to open up to her more, and maybe I could do the same, telling about Jay was the best option in which I would feel better about my mother , and that way she would feel better about telling me about the guy she was seeing, it was a bit of a tempting plan, but I was willing to take the risk for my mom.
The next day I went to see Jay, I told him about him coming out to my mother, and I also told him about what she had said to me that night, for him it wasn't easy having to come out to the mother of the boy you were with I was going out, but in the end he accepted the idea in a good way, but he was right it really wasn't going to be very easy to tell my mother that I was going out with a college boy, she barely let me go out with the boys at my school, I can't imagine the that she might say if she saw me with an older guy, but I decided to go along with it even though I was totally nervous inside about having to reveal a mega secret to my mom.

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