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The next morning I had certainly woken up as usual and couldn't forget what had happened last night, I was still in disbelief that Jay had been able to leave me alone on my most important night, and he hadn't even texted me apologizing, when I looked at my phone all I had was a text from Rachel saying "I'm sorry about what happened yesterday". That morning I had gone for a
walk with Belle, to try to forget about it, but the more I tried to forget, the
more I remembered, it's like every time I saw the image of myself sitting alone
in the chair at the ball, I went back home, and I was in my room playing video games all day, until my mother decided she was going to do an intervention
with me.
"Nate, honey, I'm starting to get worried about you—"
– I'm fine, mom – Ah swear it's not quite what it seems –
– Since you spend the whole day locked in your room playing video games and eating snacks – - Look son, I know you're sad, but I assure you that this is not the solution -
- I just want to be alone mom, what's wrong with that? –
– Look, I know how you feel, and I'm saying you need to cheer up –
– You can't just stay in here forever, it's your graduation in 3 days –
– I'm not going to prom anymore mom, I'm going to get my diploma and get out–
- Look if you won't do it for you, then do it for me -
– Why does this room already smell awful –
As much as it pains me to admit my mom really was right staying in the room forever I don't think it was going to solve much, and I also hate it when she's right, anyway I had to find a way to cheer myself up, I called Rachel and Amber to talk a little, after all, we were two days away from officially graduating, after prom I think we were super excited, well maybe not so much, since Amber and I were going to have to deal with one of the hardest moments of our lives. lives, having to see our best friend take a plane to the other side of the world, it was still not so easy to accept that we were going to say goodbye to Rachel, and she seemed more emotional than we were, but deep down we knew that she had than go your own way just like the two of us,I just hope that after five years of psychology college pay off in England, I really always imagined that Rachel would do something intellectually "superior" compared to the two of us, after all Amber was going to attend fashion college, at least then I wouldn't worry about my clothes anymore, I thought about it and I think music wouldn't be a bad idea, I've always been very artistic and creative anyway, why not study something that would further improve my exquisite instincts all I could think is that despite everything I couldn't imagine otherwise, it was really amazing to see that we were ready, to start a new chapter in our lives, although on top of that, not all of us were completely excited, the only one that didn't seem to have any problems it was Amber,it was so ironic to know that it was Amber who got us into trouble most of the time, and just when everything seems to be falling apart, for me and Rachel, she is the only one who seems much more relaxed, with no problems with the family, or with boyfriends, and not even with us, not that I wanted her to get hurt at some point or anything, but at least a little drama to balance things out, I even thought it seemed kind of unfair, but that's okay, right.I even thought it seemed kind of unfair, but that's okay, right?I even thought it seemed kind of unfair, but that's okay, right?

On graduation day I also expected to be locked in my room for the whole day, but unfortunately something told me that maybe I would be surprised somehow, I hope I was really right and I didn't regret it, I went downstairs and saw my mother preparing breakfast like always
"Aren't you going to get ready for graduation?" Or will you still go on strike? –
– Okay, although I'm not really in the mood, you're right –
- It won't help to be locked in the room forever -
- So yes mom, I'm going to graduation, but only after breakfast -
My mother as always so imposing, but I knew she was right, when I went upstairs to change, I saw Mark arriving at the front door, I soon realized that my mother would definitely have invited him to go or something , I know he and I weren't in the best of moods yet, but all I needed was to start a drama or something, so I decided not to care too much about it, when I went down I tried to do everything to make myself look like well or at least as good as possible.
- Mark, I didn't expect to see you here -
"Honey, I hope you don't mind his going with us—"
– Oh... it's not okay, I don't care –
- Good because I wouldn't want to miss a date as important as this one -
– I imagine – Wow and I thought it couldn't get any weirder than that, anyway, my mother was happy and at least one day we had to be fine right, after a very bizarre breakfast, we had gone to graduation, getting there soon I met Rachel and she seemed to be very excited, not to say the opposite.
"Rachel, I never thought this moment would come so quickly—"
– Really, it seems like only yesterday we met in kindergarten – – And now look at us... wait where is Amber –
– She, Zack and Carter still haven't arrived – And you Carter are...? – – It's okay, he accepted London's bid –
- I'm so sorry Rachel, I wish you could stay -
- It's me too, but I'll still enjoy it with you while I can -
– My parents and I leave at the end of the month –
I couldn't figure out how Rachel had taken it so well, while most of us looked devastated that she was leaving, as I found myself thinking about it I saw Amber had shown up along with Zack and Carter, and once again Jay hadn't shown up with them. .
– Hi, guys and Jay? – When I had asked about Jay, Zack and Carter had been somewhat ecstatic.
"He's not coming, is he?" –
"Look Nate, we didn't mean to worry you—"
– All you need to know is that Jay will show up at the right time –
- But what do you mean he doesn't answer my calls and messages -
- Well, he told us, we don't know anything else, I swear -
I had been totally confused, why I felt like Zack and Carter were hiding something from me, and why they were acting so strange, and what did they mean by right timing, all I wanted were answers, but it seems the more I tried find out, the more doubts I had.
I tried to just enjoy graduation and received my diploma, with honors and merits and I felt fulfilled, it was a moment I knew I had been waiting my whole life for, yet I still felt a great sense of awe. After

after graduation my friends invited me to go to Latte point, but I was still sitting there on the bench rethinking everything I had already experienced this year, when suddenly I started crying, because all I could remember was Jay, no no matter what or who I thought of he was the only image I could run through my mind, it didn't take long before I realized how much I had changed since he appeared in my life, and as I thought about it I held the necklace he had given me when we first met, and when I realized it was there, it had appeared just after I remembered all the moments we spent together, but I didn't look very happy to see it.
– What are you doing here? - Nate, I know you're upset -
- Well, after you left me alone at the ball... -
"Okay, I know, but I didn't go to prom for a reason—"
– Why Jay, you knew you were important to me –
– I needed to tell you something, but I didn't know how cool it is –
– Oh so you think it would be better to ignore me –
– Nate, a friend of my father offered me a job as a manager at his company – "Cool, but that still doesn't justify you..."
– I'm not staying in Los Angeles anymore – After Jay had told me that, I was stunned and in disbelief for a second.
– His headquarters is in New York –
– No, no Jay please tell me this is not true –
– I wanted to tell you, but I knew how you would react –
– Are you leaving? You will leave me -
- I already lost Rachel, Jay, I can't lose you too -
- Nate I'll stay with you I swear, we can make this work -
– Will it work?... You will live on the other side of the country Jay –
– I will always be with you Nate, but this is an incredible opportunity –
- I'm going at the end of the month -
I was completely heartbroken, I walked out of there surrounded by tears, which I couldn't escape at all, I went home and found myself in the worst possible state, I just went up to my room and all I wanted was disappear, I couldn't believe that the person I loved the most would leave me again, I thought it was enough once with my father, I couldn't believe it would happen again. After everything I'd been through, this had been one of the worst things I could have ever imagined.
After several days, winter had arrived, but I felt that nothing was colder than my heart, desolated by the unusual anguish of losing the one I loved the most, I spent some time without talking to Jay, I felt it was the right thing to do, and I had to accept it in the worst possible way, and not to mention that two goodbyes would be too much for me, when I told Rachel and Amber they did everything to cheer me up, my mother was also very worried about me, and even Mark who was the person I didn't even have any kind of correlation with, but it was good to see that they were supporting me in the best way possible, I could no longer bear to see the pain of having to see the people in my life go away.

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