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After Latte Point he had put me on the bike, where we drove aimlessly across Los Angeles, it seemed like a day when Amber, Rachel and I skipped school to go shopping, only much more fun, when it started to get dark, I I suggested that maybe I should go home, Jay then said he would walk me home, when I got home early my mum asked, where have I been all day, she didn't seem upset but seemed to know something thing, even why am I surprised to see myself home so early, I was so distracted that once again I hadn't even noticed the time, even though I got home before 5, I told her that I had spent the day at Amber's house , and that I was tired, so I went straight up to my room, lay on the bed and looked at my cell phone for hours, but the first moment I saw it,just a message from Jay.
- Thanks for the company shorty, see you tomorrow night -
I was confused at the time, as we hadn't arranged to meet tomorrow, but I think he wanted to see me for some reason, so I replied that yes, the next day I had woken up and the first thing I did was check my cell phone as usual but there was absolutely nothing, not even a text from Amber saying how her hair had woken up probably awful, I got up and didn't even touch my clothes, I just went into the kitchen and ate a bowl full of cereal with no milk, I know it sounded weird , but I didn't care at the time, I went back to my room, and spent the morning just scrolling through my saved Spotify playlist. My entire day was a complete bore, my mother even thought I was sad, when in fact I was just bored per se. I called Rachel and asked if we could do something today,
That's when I realized I could have some fun in the meantime and took all the clothes in my closet and I tried them all on while listening to Taylor Swift's Shake It Off, to me it sounded like fun, when I turned around for a moment, I saw a notification on my phone, Jay had called me and I freaked out, I didn't even know what I I couldn't talk, I ended up answering by accident, he asked me if I was free at that moment and asked me if I didn't want to go somewhere with him, my stomach started to shake and I said yes, he hung up saying he was going to pick me up at 7, soon I freaked out, just get some clothes and leave, I bumped into my mother in the kitchen and she asked me where I was going, and then I lied, I said that Rachel was taking care of her brothers and that I would help her, of course that I told a little lie just to escape my mother,I left the house and then I called Rachel and asked her if I could cover my little lie if my mother called and I went to the end of the street where I always met Jay, a few minutes passed, and I was just nervous about anything that could happen , when out of nowhere I hear a voice, I looked back with an impulse and saw that it was Jay.
"Wow, you scared me," I had exclaimed.
And he looked the same as always in a black leather shirt and jacket,
with same color worn jeans, and huge boots, size 44, as much as I knew it looked a little risky, nothing could get him out of my mind, Jay he was really a very attractive guy, at least in my eyes I knew there was something I liked about him
- So, ready to enjoy the night? - he said, with a confident tone that left me highly swayed in a surprising way, as much as I knew it seemed kind of wrong to relate to an older guy, I couldn't help it, he was so handsome, tall, strong, independent, and maybe a little grumpy sometimes, but that was what caught my attention the most about him, he had taken me to a place called Coat Fire, it was a bar in the middle of town where apparently a lot of bikers met, it seemed like a quiet place and well groomed but I was a little nervous, I felt like I was an outsider as I was a little different from everyone else in that place, but I tried to convey the best of impressions, Jay had gone there to meet some friends, I felt a great relief inside, for the first time ever I felt safe, and maybe a little embarrassed by the fact that they always called me shorty, but deep down I even found it kind of funny. Jay had asked me if I felt comfortable, and suggested that we could go anywhere I wanted, I replied that it was fine, and it really was, but even so he insisted that we go somewhere of my choosing, I maybe I even wanted to stay there, I was even having fun, but my instinct ended up taking over for some reason, so I agreed with him and suggested that we go to the amusement park, maybe it would be the perfect place for me to distract myself a little. and maybe a little embarrassed by the fact that they always called me short, but deep down I even thought it was kind of funny. Jay had asked me if I felt comfortable, and suggested that we could go anywhere I wanted, I replied that it was fine, and it really was, but even so he insisted that we go somewhere of my choosing, I maybe I even wanted to stay there, I was even having fun, but my instinct ended up taking over for some reason, so I agreed with him and suggested that we go to the amusement park, maybe it would be the perfect place for me to distract myself a little. and maybe a little embarrassed by the fact that they always called me short, but deep down I even thought it was kind of funny. Jay had asked me if I felt comfortable, and suggested that we could go anywhere I wanted, I replied that it was fine, and it really was, but even so he insisted that we go somewhere of my choosing, I maybe I even wanted to stay there, I was even having fun, but my instinct ended up taking over for some reason, so I agreed with him and suggested that we go to the amusement park, maybe it would be the perfect place for me to distract myself a little and I completely didn't know how to act and went anyway. I tried to lie saying that I had changed my mind because I was scared of heights, Jay said it was ok and that I had nothing to be afraid of and that he wasn't going to leave me alone, it was our turn in line, and completely sweating from nervous, when we started to climb, he soon he asked how I was and said that if I was afraid I could hug him tight, I who was already completely embarrassed by the situation became even more.
With the time when we had stopped at the top of the toy I was thoughtful, he really was there by my side and I was acting like a big fool, that's when I realized that maybe I just needed to be myself and let everything happen naturally, and being up there I started feeling a little cold and Jay had noticed, that's when he gave me his coat and hugged me discreetly, he had just put his arm around me and said that everything was fine, by the time I realized the ride was over , we got off the ride and went for a walk around, he looked over to the side and saw a prize booth where you won one by testing your strength, Jay didn't hesitate to want to brag a little, I looked over and mentioned that these games were certainly stolen or that they had some trick,but apparently I seemed to have underestimated Jay's capacity a little, when he had hit the bell's sledgehammer I could even feel the impact of the ground shaking, and seeing how the bell had vibrated I could see how much Jay was so strong, everything well that was something I had noticed a lot before, like for example the day he saved me from 3 guys at once, he had won one of the prizes in the tent, and apparently one of the big ones, it was a panda bear very soft and fluffy plush.and apparently one of the big ones was a very cute and fuzzy stuffed panda bear.and apparently one of the big ones was a very cute and fuzzy stuffed panda bear.
- Here, take it quietly, it's for you, it won't go with anything I have anyway - He had told me, with a somewhat ironic and comical tone, right after he asked if I wasn't hungry, we went to a hot dog stand and Jay had bought me a special with lots of ketchup, I felt kind of bad, like I was kind of taking advantage of him and he was paying for me, but he didn't seem to care and when I brought it up he said it was fine and that I didn't have to worry, I went for a walk by myself and started walking through the park just thinking, Jay was just the perfect guy he was cute, kind and at the same time strong and determined, I ended up getting distracted and accidentally bumped into another person, but to my immense displeasure it wasn't just anyone,when I looked up I was suddenly faced with those same idiots from the night I met Jay, they were looking at me very rigidly, and of course I already imagined what was coming next, but I just kept walking and asked them to leave me alone , one of them grabbed my arm and pulled me back.
- Where's your boyfriend, looks like he's not here to save you this time - He had said, meaning to refer to Jay ironically, and said he was going to finish what he had started that night, I was in a panic, I despaired because I didn't know what to do, and when I least expected it in the worst of the situation, I ended up being saved once again, Jay had come from behind and almost knocked him out with a punch and when I realized he and his friends had saved me from those idiots, they looked at me and asked in an ironic way obviously if they were bothering me and if I wanted them to take care of them, just seeing them there scared was enough for me to have a good laugh, they then run in fear, Jay asked if I was okay, and to tell you the truth I had never felt better.
After that incident, or rather inconvenience, I went with Jay and the boys to a pizza place, they had ordered 3 huge pepperoni and cheese pizzas, and everyone started talking about the guys who had attacked me, and Zack soon said that I didn't have to worry anymore, that if I was with Jay I was also with them, and that I could count on them for anything, I felt grateful, and right at that moment my cell phone was ringing, but I didn't notice later After a few minutes I saw that it was my mother, who had also sent me thousands of text messages, asking where I was, said I was with Rachel, lucky that I could count on her to help me with this, right after that Jay said goodbye to his friends again and this time for real, and said he was going to take me home and I thought well to myself and said that I wanted to spend more time with him. So that's when he took me to a place he said was his secret place, I had gone with him to the top of a hill where you could see practically the whole city, and being there alone with him for a few hours was very cozy , with him I felt at ease and very safe, a feeling that even my mother did not understand, after some time I started to vent about various subjects and told him about my relationship with my mother and my future dreams of being a musician , I had certain ambitions of maybe going to Berklee or Julliard, said my mom wasn't the biggest fan of that idea,
After he did his time, something about Jay had changed, he changed his behavior quite drastically and I think it ended up becoming clearer why he had that whole bad boy rebel vibe, after a few months Jay found out that his company father had closed it because of the scandal, and he ended up inheriting all his father's assets, and he already had good plans of what to do with all the money, he ended up going to Stanford after high school, a few years later Jay receives news from that his mother was in a very serious stage and that nothing more could be done for her, Jay was forced to see the worst scene of his entire life, he had to face being in front of his mother's grave, being there listening it all made me think about how strong jay really was to have to put up with all that,i just held his hand and hugged him tight, and told him i was sorry for everything he had been through, i also told him that i knew how he felt, my dad had abandoned me when i was only 6, i couldn't be the same thing, but I still made him feel better by consoling him in a nice way.
I tried to cheer him up somehow so I did something fun, and I put on a playlist and told him to dance with me, I know it sounded silly but maybe I could cheer him up somehow, he turned to me and said he couldn't dance, but of course I wasn't going to give up that easy, I pulled him and started to lead him closer and closer to me, and every time I looked into his eyes I felt like I was floating, along with that feeling of feeling the My stomach tingling, it even looked like one of those romantic moments from movies, even if it seems a little cliché I was completely enchanted as if it were a magical moment. Until I finished Jay trips and ends up falling on top of me, I got a little tense, he helped me up, it was late at night and my mother called me, I was nervous and didn't know what to answer, so I hung up the phone and i just sent him a message saying i was going to sleep at rachel's house to help with his siblings saying his parents would take a while to get home, i acted on impulse but now i didn't know where to go since i probably couldn't get home and it was too late for me to run to Rachel.
Jay suggested that I could sleep at his house, I was embarrassed to say yes, but I didn't have much choice as I didn't have much to go on, I arrived at his house and was completely enchanted by it all, it was a huge mansion, it looked like a palace it was so big, I could even say almost bigger than the mall, Jay took me to his room and it was so big, it was almost like it was 3 times bigger than mine
- Just a problem, I don't have anything to wear to sleep - – Here, wear my shirt –
His wardrobe wasn't very varied, but I think it was because I was used to wearing flashy colors and clothes, wearing black wasn't really my style, I got desperate when faced with that situation, sleeping at a guy's house that I just met, even though he was very nice to me, I asked where the guest room was.
- Guest room? No way, you can sleep here with me – he just takes the towel right in front of me so he can change, that moment was very embarrassing and what made it even worse is that I had to deal with the fact that Jay slept only in his underwear, I tried not to think too much about that situation itself, but inside i was feeling a good feeling, I ended up falling asleep after a few minutes, i woke up the next morning with a noise coming from the kitchen, I saw Jay cooking some eggs and i soon realized that i had forgotten that I was supposed to go to school, I soon got desperate but Jay tried to calm me down saying that he had solved everything. He sent a message to the principal saying that I was going to be late because I had a dentist appointment, I had calmed down not counting the fact that I didn't have any clothes to go to school either
- Relax, I've already taken care of everything for you - Jay had left early and bought me new clothes, I was impressed, how he really had everything under control, after we had breakfast, Jay had taken me to school, and just in time to catch second period, I ran into Rachel and Amber in the hallway, and soon I was peppered with questions.
"Nate, where were you, you missed first class," Rachel said. I told them that I had an "unforeseen event", and at first they understood everything, they deduced that I was with Jay, I didn't react and I told them the whole truth and they were totally shocked, but I said that it hadn't been no big deal, all day they kept bugging me about how "my night" with Jay was, and I kept saying nothing happened between us, even though I wish it had been the other way around, but of course that there was no way I was going to reveal this to them, not least because Jay and I were just friends, at least that's what I thought, although inside I thought well beyond that, I wanted to get rid of as much as possible of any subject about Jay close to Rachel and Amber, but that wasn't exactly the easiest mission in the world, after we left school I ran into Jay right away,he soon told me that he and his friends were going to a movie night at the Drive-in
- Your friends can go too if they want - He had said, meaning to refer to Rachel and Amber, and as always it is clear that Amber soon interfered and out of nowhere she and Jay soon understood each other:
– Sure, when will it be? –
– Saturday at 8, in the old Stellar Center parking lot– – You bet we will –
– Alright, see you –
Rachel and I couldn't believe what just happened, he was furious, since Amber had made a decision without our consent, but I, on the other hand, stayed calm, and told Rachel it would be fun, of course that I had only said that to convince him to go with us, after all I would really like to come up with any excuse to go see Jay, until after I insisted all week, Rachel finally agreed to go with us, I sure I was super looking forward to the weekend.

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