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After a long period of just literally suffering, I had seen that Rachel was only a week away from leaving, I thought to myself that when that moment came it was going to be a complete tearjerker, surely Amber and I weren't on the best of terms, but yeah as my mother had said: "if you loved someone, set them free", at least with Rachel I could think that way, it was no longer the same with Jay, I still kept myself devastated by the fact that I could lose him, the last thing he said to me was that he was sorry for what was going to happen in a text message last sunday.
That day I took some time to spend with my mother, but unfortunately she seemed a little busy with Mark of course, even she was doing much better than me apparently, so I went to find someone else to talk to, I went to Amber's house to try distracted a little by the spontaneous and fun personality, when I went there, mrs. Anderson, Amber's mom said she wasn't there, and by the way she mentioned something about her having a date, so I assumed they were with Zack.
Decided to go to Rachel then, as Amber was kind of busy, but unfortunately when I got there, Mr. Williams had told me the same thing, Rachel had gone on a date with Carter, it was even ironic I seemed to be the the only one to be alone, for a while, I even thought that maybe I could be needy, without my friends, without my boyfriend and even without my own mother, I couldn't believe that everyone had other plans, specifically in the same moment when I seemed to need company, I had no choice but to go back home, I saw my mother and Mark in the living room together and all I did was go upstairs to my room, at least I could count on Belle's company , she was the only one who was always going to be on my side, it even crossed my mind to start talking to her,it's serious that I got to this point of talking to my own dog, that seemed insane, that's when my mother came in to try to talk to me.
"Nate, honey, how are you?" –
– Hi mom – Don't you look very well to me? Did something happen -
– Nothing happened mom, I'm fine –
– Are you sure, maybe you are upset that Jay is moving to New York –
- How do you know that? –
- Well, Amber told me, after I noticed that you were acting strange these last - "Mom, I don't really feel like talking about this right now."
– I know Nate is sad, but you can't want everything to be perfect all the time –
- I don't need it to be perfect mom -
– I just thought that for the first time in my life I could be who I really am –
– And I thought Jay and help me figure this out –
– But instead he abandoned me –
- He didn't abandon you -
- So what did he do mom? He left, why would he want to do this to me? –
– Honey, I could tell you that there were countless reasons why he left –
– But that was the main one, and I know that deep down you know – said –
– And if you and Jay really love each other, you two will do the right thing –

It was really a big shock, for the first time I wanted to believe that my mother was, but was it really true, did Jay really love me, since he never said those words to me before, I know their gestures could speak for a lot, but did all of that really matter, and that's when I really realized how I really felt about Jay I loved him, and I loved him more than anything, I knew I couldn't stop myself from going, was when I too accepted the hardest decision of my life, I just hope I don't regret it later.
After a few weeks, the day had finally come for Rachel to leave for London, and she made me see that all I needed was to have confidence in myself and know that everything was going to be okay. All of us had gone to accompany her to the airport, one of the most difficult moments for all of us.
– Well I guess that, London here I come –
- It's really hard for us to tell you goodbye Rachel -
"Yeah, we're going to miss you so much."
"Oh guys, you're going to make me cry—"
– Not as much as Carter – Yeah, he'll freak out for sure –
"By the way, where is he?" – When I had asked it was enough for Carter to appear, and surprisingly with a huge suitcase, that's when Rachel had the most impressive revelation of her life, to her surprise Carter revealed that he was going to London, even Amber and I were also completely impressed with that moment, just not as much as Rachel, I could tell she was so emotional she almost fainted if it weren't for Carter, it was really sweet what he had done for Rachel, after a long emotional scene we said goodbye from our friends.
– Well at least you and Rachel were happy –
- Then Nate, I wouldn't be so hasty - When Zack said that, all I saw when I looked back was Jay and I thought I was even crazy or dreaming, until Amber convinced me otherwise
- You know Nate sometimes everything in life happens for a reason - After saying that Amber and Zack left and left me alone with Jay.
– I thought you said you were going to New York –
- I gave up, you know Nate I could even have everything anyone could offer -
- But it doesn't matter to me if I'm not with you -
– But, what about your job – And then there will be other jobs –
– I came back for you – because you make me feel good – - It's you I think about all the time -
– You are my dream, I... I love you Nate –
After all those words, Jay just kissed me and I had never felt like this before, he really had said he loved me, I could finally see that me and Jay had something special, I could never imagine how one person could get me making me feel so special, after all that we had already gone through it was right there that our story ended, or not, who knows what many things await us in the next chapters, for now we just rest until new adventures and We're going to get into trouble ahead of time, for now there's still a soon to come winter.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2023 ⏰

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