5. 𝖫𝗎𝗂𝗀𝗂 𝖬𝖾𝖾𝗍𝗌 𝖡𝗈𝗐𝗌𝖾𝗋

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A/N: I'm so glad! I aced the exam that I took "the second time." My wifi kept going out on the first one, but I messaged my professor, and he allowed me to retake it, and I made 300/300. 

Traveling to Kong's Resort was just out of reach, but the troop stopped at a resting place. Toad was preparing a meal while you were sitting by the stones. Mario stood beside you, looking at the field of bright red flowers, but he removed his cap as he was in deep thought. 

Peach approached the two of you, asking, "Thinking about your brother?" She dusted off her dress. 

"We've never been apart this long." Said Mario.

"Don't worry. We're going to save him." Peach reassured. 

Peach went over to the flowers, and it changed her entire dress to flames. She used it to light up the campfire while Toad was still preparing a meal for the rest. 

"That's cool." You muttered. 

Mario placed his cap on his head and said, "You don't seem like you're from here." Peach wore a small smile as she glanced away for a second and folded her arms over her chest. 

"I don't know where I'm from." She replied. 

"Really?" You and Mario asked. 

"Yep. My earliest memory is arriving." Peach replied. 

Both of you listened to her backstory; she was a young child wandering around only to enter through the pipe into another universe. The Toads were there and looked after her as she was accepted to be a part of them. When her time came, she was declared Princess of The Mushroom Kingdom. 

"Hey, maybe you're from our world." Said Mario. 

Peach turned away as she stared at the sky in 'awe.' "There's a huge universe out there with many galaxies." She turned back to you two, sending a rare smile. 



Luigi was escorted by the little people wearing masks, which frightened him. He didn't know what he was getting himself into. He thought about his brother and sister since they were separated from his location. Flying in the air balloon, he thought back to when he was little, playing with blocks to build a tower, but then Spike appeared and knocked it over. 

That's when Mario came to the rescue, and his sister was right there with him. Sometimes he felt useless or needed to be brave enough to stick up in his problems. 

When he arrived at a dark kingdom with fire blazing and small green lanterns around that made Luigi sweat, there were statue figures of what Luigi assumed to be the leader he would be meeting with.  He was forced off the air balloon with his wrist tied up and dragged to be meeting with Bowser. 

"We've found him in the Dark Lands." Said the Shy Guy. 

Bowser was sitting on his throne, narrowing his eyes at Luigi with a deep frown. 

Luigi whimpers at the sight of a giant turtle standing a few feet from him. 

"Leave him to me." Said Bowser.

He stood up, stomping down the staircase to make his way over to them. The Shy Guy men stepped away and dropped the rope as Kamek appeared beside Luigi. Using his wand, he untied and controlled his body to make him talk with Bowser.

"What is your name?" Bowser demanded. 

"Uh, Luigi." The poor male felt one of Bowser's sharp claws twirl around stiffly. 

"Not sure if you know who I am, but I'm about to marry a princess and rule the world," Bowser said with a rare grin. 

Luigi looked at him but didn't seem interested in his marriage.

Bowser's Wife| Bowser x Reader Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now