Chapter 7: The Sixth Meeting, and an Invitation

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Today was incredibly peaceful. There was a light, fluffy covering of low-hanging clouds that some would find dreary but had little effect on Miko. They hung low enough that their white coloring was turned slightly gray from their own shadows. A gentle mist fell from the sky, lightly landing on anything outside. It didn’t bother Miko enough to close the stand, especially when the stand had a cover above it.

The stillness was serene, only interrupted by the occasional rustling of birds landing in trees or chirp from said birds talking to one another. A slow, nearly-stagnant breeze wafted through the air, carrying with it the scent of dirt and earthworms that follows a night of rain. It was the perfect accompaniment for the shrine maiden’s morning tea.

She blinked her eyes open, having been lost in the overwhelming calm, only to see Suisei sitting in the chair across the stand. The woman was tapping on her phone, occasionally using her finger to scroll past something vertically. She took notice of Miko’s awakening, her eyes shooting up from her phone and a tiny smile playing at the corner of her mouth. Miko tried to ignore the fact that her heart started beating faster the second those crystal eyes looked at her.

“Morning Sleeping Beauty. Took you long enough to wake up.” Miko yawned as she stretched her arms.

“You should have woken me up, Suisei-san.” The comet let out a huff, the smile still on her face.

“Yeah, right. A stranger waking up a girl who falls asleep in public. You tell me when that doesn’t end up in a court case, and then I’ll think about it.” Miko blanched slightly at that before trying to defend herself instead.

“Well, it’s so peaceful out today. Can you really blame me for falling asleep?” Suisei hummed thoughtfully, looking around her as though analyzing the surroundings.

“No, can’t really say I can. I’d have probably fallen asleep too.”

“See!” Suisei began laughing at Miko’s sudden outcry. “Moving on from that, how are you? You have off for Tanabata, yeah?”

“Yep. Figured I’d come visit my favorite lil’ shrine maiden~”

“I’m the only shrine maiden in about 150 miles, so I hope I’d be the favorite.” A slight giggle was her reward. She ignored that her heart fluttered along with each gentle release of sound from the woman.

“Well, I decided to pay a visit because this is both a day off for me, and because I’ve come to another understanding. It’s small, but I guess every bit counts.” Miko nodded, getting her head refocused on her professional role.

“I’d like to hear about it, if you don’t mind.” A moment of silence hung heavy as Suisei looked down, trying to reason how to begin.

“Have… have you ever been in love, Miko-san?”

A traitorous part of her brain almost cheered ‘I am right now!’ She reigned that part in, instead taking the time to really piece together the meaning of the question. Suisei, for all her worth, was anything but completely straight forward. Words that came out of her mouth almost always held the purpose of psychoanalysis, and Miko was certain this was no different.

‘Have I ever been in love?’ The question echoed through her mind. Outwardly, she lowered her head and hummed in thought. Inwardly, she recalled several things. She, along many others, idolized people in almost every facet of society. From idols singing and dancing on stage to musicians to streamers to actors and voice actors. If she were being honest, she’d say that the local street taiyaki and takoyaki vendor even held a special place in her heart. She had a feeling, though, that this wasn’t the question Suisei was asking.

She pondered what it was Suisei was aiming to find with the answer to her question. Miko decided to simply answer the woman honestly. While she couldn’t say that she’d ever been “in love” as most would imagine it, she’d definitely experienced love through her family. The shrine maiden nodded her head and finally took a breath to start her piece.

"Heeeeehhh? But you'd be a knockout if you wore a yukata. You'd probably be able to score a date, too!" Miko chose to ignore the fact that her heart skipped a beat, imagining herself scoring Suisei of all people as a date. 'Head out of the gutter, Miko!'

“W-well, I guess it can’t be helped then. Usually I save them for important events…” The shrine maiden was met with a smile that made all her worries melt away.

“Then I’ll consider myself really lucky if you decide to show up in one!” Suisei stood up, spinning elegantly as she dismounted her seat. She halted herself facing the stand with her arms outstretched, as though waiting for applause. Miko, on the other hand, was mesmerized by how Suisei had just exuded such beauty with just a simple twirl. When Suisei didn’t receive her anticipated applause, she looked up with an eyebrow perked up. Miko realized the inquisitive look and quickly stumbled to make up an excuse for her silence.

“Um, it’s just- I’ve never really seen anyone dance up-close. I thought you could probably make it as a professional.” The comet blinked a few times, an unreadable expression falling onto her face.

“I see. I’ll keep that in mind if I need a new job again.” A hint of a smile could be seen as she turned around. “I expect that yukata, by the way.” Without even waiting for her to walk to the torii, Miko quickly spun on her heel. She needed to figure out which of the yukatas she’d be wearing.

Miko missed the smile that Suisei wore for the rest of the day. She also missed the fact that Suisei never explained the thing she'd come to understand.

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