Chapter 21: That Night...

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“Go ahead in then, Sui-chan,” Miko said, a smile adorning her face as she left the bathroom to turn the temperature lower. Once the shrine maiden had left the room, Suisei began to undress.

There were a thousand thoughts flying through her head at that moment. ‘Would Miko be coming back to join?’ ‘Where are the boundaries that we can’t pass?’ ‘What the hell am I doing, I have no clue about dating someone!’ The list went on and on.

“Oh, Sui-chan! I’ll make dinner while you’re in, so don’t stay in there forever!”

While it wasn’t unexpected, Suisei couldn’t help but feel a pang of disappointment. She didn’t want to make Miko uncomfortable, but the last time she’d been here was when she’d almost stepped off that bridge. Miko comforted her and held her gently and washed her hair for her… It'd be nice if she'd do that again...

Shaking those thoughts away, Suisei entered the bath. Her heart was still pounding, remembering the way Miko had been running her hands over her sides only a few minutes prior. She tried to run her shampoo-covered fingers through her hair, but it only brought up memories of Miko. Lowering herself into the warm bath, yet again the shrine maiden appeared in her mind. It didn’t take her too long to grow restless, urged to see Miko again and getting out of the bath as quickly as possible.

She made her way out of the bathroom, hair still dripping slightly, until she found the kitchen.

There she was, preparing dinner by the stovetop. The scent of miso soup wafted through the air and mingled with sautéed veggies. The shrine maiden turned to the comet, flashing an earnest smile.

"Hi Sui-chan. That was quick. Everything go okay in there?"

The fact that this domestic situation was happening wasn't lost upon Suisei as she took her seat nearby. "Yeah, everything was alright. No worries." She added on with a blush, "I just wanted to see you again."

Miko's face lit up as well, but her smile never faded. "That makes me really happy. Now let me finish this real quick and we can get to eating." She turned back toward the meal, picking up some seasonings.

Suisei watched the shrine maiden as she went about, putting ingredients together before finally putting the pan on the stovetop. She watched as Miko wiped a bead of sweat from her brow. Unaware of what it was that was egging her on, Suisei found herself slowly rising out of her chair and tiptoeing behind her girlfriend.

Just as Miko was about to turn around, a pair of arms snaked around her torso and a chin rested itself on her head. Her lips tugged upward with endearment as she leaned back into the hug. "Sui-chan's needy today."

"I just got myself a girlfriend, give me a break. I'm super happy right now." The comet's straightforward remark made Miko flush and break out into laughter at the same time. "Oi, stop laughing at me. I'm pouring my heart out to you and this is how you treat me?"

The mock sarcasm didn't help any, but Miko wrapped her arms around the pair encircling her body. When she finally calmed down, she glanced over her shoulder to the bluenette. "I know you’re pouring your heart out. I accepted that earlier, didn’t I?” She squeezed her arms on top of Suisei’s for added emphasis.

“Ah… yeah, I was just joking just now…” Suisei tilted her head to the side to avoid the gaze of the shrine maiden. A gentle giggle like chimes in the wind hit her ears.

In Those Deep, Starry Eyes, I See Cherry Petals Depressed but breathingWhere stories live. Discover now