Chapter 11: The Eighth Meeting, and a Way to Meet

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The past week had gone… really well for Miko. Like, surprisingly well. She hadn't even seen Suisei and it had been really good. She'd helped out a record number of people this week and had raked in a lot of money along with it. There had even been one or two big-shot business people who had asked for help, offering larger amounts of money than she'd normally charge clients.

Who would she be if she didn't accept a generous donation like that?

She splurged at one point. Treated herself to a nice meal, bought herself a visual novel that she'd been eyeing for the past few weeks, the works. Real luxury for someone of her position. The sarcasm is only slightly purposeful in that statement. Regardless, she enjoyed herself the past few days.

Friday rolled around. She felt much lighter, having been through such a pleasant week. Her stresses had melted away thanks to the night she'd spent with Suisei, and the positivity radiating from her clients as they left filled her to the brim with encouragement. The birds chirped in the trees while a breeze brushed through her hair. She went out to her stand, just as she had every day previous, ready to fulfill her duties as the shrine maiden. Just when her week couldn't get any better, it did.

Strolling through the torii gate was Hoshimachi Suisei. It seemed like the usual fanfare in terms of her outfit, but this skirt was more of a bluish color than a gray one. She strolled up to the stand, took a seat, and stared right at Miko.

"You look pretty well, Mikochi~" A tease right off the bat, not that it could sway Miko's good feelings at all today. With a confident smile, the shrine maiden replied to the comet.

"And I've felt pretty good too! Had a great week so far. Looots of people and some left some pretty nice tips." Suisei clapped like a miniature audience for one of those old 60's TV shows.

"That's great! Sounds like you could treat me to food sometime, huh?~" Miko scoffed.

"You wish, Hoshimachi."

…Yeah, there was something wrong. They could both feel it. The conversation was too buddy-buddy and too rigid at the same time. It wanted to bleed into a conversation between lovers while also solidifying itself into a conversation between acquaintances. They both hated it. They both resented the fact that they couldn't tell what the other was feeling. Suisei tried to read Miko's body movements only to come up short, while Miko tried to read into Suisei's eyes only to meet the same dark void that was behind them all this time. Both of the women were frustrated to no end by the lack of subliminal conversation that was (or in this case, wasn't) occurring. After a short period of awkward silence trying to read each other, Miko finally spoke up.

"Say, Sui-chan… how's work been?" Both saw the opportunity for salvation and grasped at it desperately.

"Ah, it's been pretty hectic, but I can't say it's been all that bad. Going to the festival really helped me let go of the stress I was dealing with." Her tone lowered slightly, easing into a less tense sound. That relieved Miko.

"That's great. I'm… I'm glad it helped you." She wanted desperately to say: "I'm glad I could help," but she didn't even know if her being there was helping. Things were kind of stuck in a gray area right now.

"You know, I don't think I would have had nearly as much fun if you wouldn't have been there." Miko looked up. Suisei was glancing to the side, a light dusting of pink adorning her face. She couldn't help but feel her own face starting to heat up as well. Her head tilted the opposite direction of Suisei's, desperate to avoid any kind of teasing the comet might employ to gain an upper hand in this... bizarre contest they'd begun to form between them.

"I'm… glad I made it enjoyable for you…" Her blush deepened further. She remembered what her plan was. She had to find a way to get Suisei's contact info. She had to know how to get in touch outside of these meetings in case Suisei needed any kind of extra help. Yes, that was her number one priority, definitely not a means to talk to Suisei outside of these visits. "Um, I was wondering if you had a way for me to stay in contact with you. If… you wanted someone to accompany you on any future outings, I'd… be willing to be there. Even if it's just for someone to talk to at a burdensome time, I'd still want to be there for you..." She glanced back at Suisei out of the corner of her eye.

Suisei had one of her arms up, covering her mouth slightly. She was glancing back at the shrine maiden. The comet's face was practically cherry-red. Slowly, nervously, she nodded.

Suisei placed her phone on the table, unlocking it and showing her personal contact. Line ID, phone number, email, all of it was right there.

"City of Stars, huh? I think that name suits you." Suisei, meek as she had been this entire time, simply turned away. The red was reaching her ears now. She was a remarkably glass cannon today.

"Can it, Sakura." After a few seconds passed, Suisei stood up, a pout on her still-blushing face. "I… I expect a call from you tonight to confirm that you have my number. Got it?"

That one was a critical hit. Miko felt her face burst into flames, her heart beating like a percussion line at a parade. She could only nod. Suisei nodded, an exaggerated motion that tried to assert her as the "victor" of their conversation.

"You'd better not forget… I'll be really angry with you-!" The comet turned on her heel before walking to the torii gate. Only after the gorgeous woman was out of sight could the shrine maiden breathe. She clutched her chest, trying to calm her chaotic heartbeat.

They had both been so enamored with the other that they'd failed to see just how they in love the other was with them. Love is blind in more ways than one… Despite what some would consider a loss, Miko giddily looked forward to the end of her workday. She wouldn't forget that call on her life.

In Those Deep, Starry Eyes, I See Cherry Petals Depressed but breathingМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя