Chapter 9: The Seventh Meeting... is a Date

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Miko fiddled with the obi to her outfit for what felt like the millionth time. She felt absolutely terrified. All around her was a sea of people. It was suffocating. Their eyes showed that they couldn’t be bothered less with her, but the few eyes that did focus on her should have given her courage with the compliments they silently bestowed upon her. It didn’t help her, though. If anything, it made her panic all the more intense, as though countless eyes were prying on her personal space.

‘This is why I never leave the shrine…’ The walls felt like they were closing in on her. Anxiety began to grasp her lungs, constricting them like barbed wire. Her space closed in further until… until…

A hand rested itself on her shoulder, jolting her out of her panic with a shriek. Another hand spun her around.

“Woah! Miko-san, it’s just me!” Miko’s emerald eyes glanced up to see the confident crystal blues of the woman she’d come to know over the past few weeks. Hoshimachi Suisei was there, a smirk on her face as her eyes narrowed. The thorns released Miko, but now she found it much hotter than before and still unable to breathe.

“Sorry, Suisei-san. I was just surprised, is all. I’m not the best at handling crowds.” Suisei nodded, her smile still not vanishing from her face. It was a real smile, Miko could tell. One of Suisei’s hands drifted down to her own.

“Here, let’s get out of the crowd and then we can take a look at that yukata you decided to wear~” Miko didn’t miss that lilt in her voice. She hated the fact that it lit her cheeks ablaze. Thankfully the sky was dark enough to obscure the blush just enough that the warm yellow light from the hanging lamps couldn’t show it.

“Ah, yeah. Let’s go.”

The walk there was somewhat awkward, but at the same time it was a gentle silence. It was one that both could enjoy to a degree. Miko tried to ignore their hands touching, tried to ignore how it felt so nice and right. They finally got clear of the crowd, finding a momentary space of isolation. Suisei let go of her hand (much to her combined relief and chagrin) and spun around to look at her.

“Soooo, I see you’ve got on a really pretty one, huh?” Her voice was playful. It warmed Miko’s chest.

“Yeah, it is pretty if I do say so myself. I usually keep this one reserved for special events. Consider yourself lucky that I was so gracious to wear it in front of you.” A chuckle came from the comet.

“Uh-huh. I am, I am! Thank you for bestowing me with this wonderful gift.”

To Suisei, she looked beautiful. Well, not that there was anything wrong with that. Women could look pretty and beautiful and cute from an objective standpoint. There wasn’t anything personal about that… right?

Miko’s yukata was a gorgeous shade of pink, the same as her hair, accented with small deep red cherry-shaped designs and dark green leaves. The obi was a slightly darker shade of pink with thin white wavy lines across its length. It looked really soft to wear, yet formed to the shrine maiden’s body in the most stimulating yet conservative ways. Suisei had her theories about Miko’s chest size, and while it was clearly visible from the outfit she was wearing, it was worn in a way that seemed to tone it down slightly. The sign of an introvert as well as someone who lacked confidence. Still, Suisei had to admit it looked fantastic.

“You look great! Really, I thought you’d just come in an obligatory one, but it looks like you pulled out all the stops.” Miko let out a scoff.

In Those Deep, Starry Eyes, I See Cherry Petals Depressed but breathingWhere stories live. Discover now