Chapter 23: Calls for Celebration

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‘Okay. Almost there, Sui-chan. Just a few more questions.’

“And, if you could briefly talk to us about your musical tastes?” The middle-aged man’s voice was gentle, but it carried a weight of authority to it that scared her senseless.

She gulped, hoping the interviewer didn’t particularly catch it, before speaking. “Well, to listen to, I love pretty much anything. I really like it when something experiments with traditional tropes that are common among genres, but don’t break the character of the genre itself. In terms of singing, I’ll sing anything that fits into my vocal range. Even if it doesn’t fit, I’ll try my hardest to make it work somehow!”

A smile graced the man’s face. “Well, that’s wonderful to hear. A lot of the time, you hear some folks say that they won’t try things if it’s outside of their capabilities. That sort of excitement and eagerness to shine is exactly what we’re looking for here.” He glanced down at the paper on his desk. “Hmm, I think that covers just about all of the topics I wanted to go over…” He scribbled something down on the paper. “Though there is one more thing that I’d like to ask, if you wouldn’t mind?”

“Of course. Please, feel free.”

“When would you be able to hop on board?”

Her heart stopped for a second. Had that really happened? She scanned the man’s face for signs of a lie, but there was nothing. “N-next Monday, sir.”

“Wonderful! It’s great to have you on the team, Hoshimachi-san. We’ll be sending you a follow-up email shortly.”

“Th-thank you for the opportunity! I’ll be in your care!” She bowed deeply as she rose from her seat before being led out the door by the assistant. Eventually, she made her way out of the building and was greeted by the bright late-autumn sun. Without waiting even a second longer, she began her mad dash back to her apartment.


“Sis! I’m back!”

Hardly a second passed before the bright pink hair of her sister greeted her. “What happened?! Are you in?!”

“Come on, I’ll call Mikochi and tell you both what happened.” They walked into the kitchen where Suisei pressed the call next to Miko’s contact and hit the speaker button.

“Sui-chan, what’s up?”

“Mikochi, you’re on speaker right now. Anemachi’s right next to me. I wanted to call to let you know about the interview.”

“Ah, that’s right! That was today, wasn’t it? Also, hiya Anemachi!”

Her sister giggled lightly. “Hello to you too, Mikochi.”

“Yeah, it was today. So, the interview was done by this middle-aged guy. He looked pretty nice, but you know how big-shots are when you’re trying to impress them.” A glance to her side saw her sister nodding her head rapidly.

“Yeah, I’ve read that it can be a nightmare sometimes.”

“Uh-huh! But this guy was actually really kind. He seemed genuinely interested in what I could do, so he started asking these really hard questions like what my goals were, where I see myself in ten years, and all that broad stuff.”

In Those Deep, Starry Eyes, I See Cherry Petals Depressed but breathingWhere stories live. Discover now