Chapter 17

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Little helper 🤍

Having Taehyung in his home brings memories of the first time he had brought the young model to his home. 

They spend the rest of the evening watching movies at Taetae's request and eating delicious takeout food because Jeongguk didn't want to dirty his kitchen. Now the set is settling down, nearly reaching Taetae's bedtime 


"We should call your jinnie hyung. In case they worry where you are" Jeongguk suggests"Okay" Tae responds, his attention concentrated on the tv 

Tae gives Gguk his phone  Taebear where are you?" 

" hello? this is Jeon Jungkook" 

"Oh jeongguk hi. Where is my tae?" 

"He's with me watching tv. He wanted to come to my house. and I called to let you know"

"oh okay, thank you for taking care of my taetae" "No problem at all, he slipped and I would love to spend more time with him little as well" Jeongguk smiles when he sees tae  fighting off his sleep

"well taebaby is getting tired. Hey baby, say goodnight to jinnie hyungie"

"nigh nigh jinnie" the two coo at the cutest little "Goodnight baby" jin says, 'goodnight bear' can be heard from them, it was Namjoon.

"hehe, nigh night Joonie" the little giggles "taetae woves you. MWAH!" 

Jin and Namjoon chuckle at the youngest adorable antics, imagining the cute scene of the sleepy little "We love you too bear. sweet dreams" They end the call after Taehyung is silent throughout the call, the couple knowing Tae is very much tired. 

"Let's get you into something more comfy baby" The fatigue little doesn't say anything but stares at the older's facial features "sho pwretty" The little reach to touch, but stops in his tracts. getting an approving nod from the oldest he continues to reach to the face, tracing the small mole under the lip "Thank you baby" Gguk smiles 

He lays the small male under the comforter after getting ready for bed "Bo?" "want warm milk?" tae nods "Okay  I'll be back. for now, watch cartoons" The CEO walks to the kitchen and luckily he had gone shopping for his little baby, knowing someday it will be useful for the little

"Here baby" "Thank chu"

The little grasped the bottle, instantly drinking the nice warm fluid. "done". Jeongguk grabs the bottle from the young male, placing it on a side table. Jeongguk yawns tiredly, it was a busy day for the CEO but he managed to finish his work, and spend quality time with his beautiful boyfriend. The older male dresses in his nightwear; a black oversized shirt and a pair of workout shorts

"Goodnight angel" Jeongguk pulls the little closer to his chest, Taehyung's body is on top of the older.  Chest to chest. "nigh night kookie" jeongguk's heart races hearing the name, he loves Ggukie because it was the name his baby addresses him but hearing Kookie for the first time makes him feel something else.  The only sound in the room is the snores emitting from the little "I love you cupcake. sweet dreams" He falls asleep with a content smile, knowing his baby is in his arms 

It's now morning, and the little being first awake decided to play with his lion plushie. His stomach growls tae  stops playing instead he watches his kookie sleep,

 "Ggu taetae hungie" he plays with the older's veiny hands, finding interest in them, he (Tae) doesn't realize the older's loving gaze is watching his every move "What dis?" tae is a curious little, he loves learning new things, and seeing a design drawn on the other male enchants the little "A tattoo baby" a deep voice heard surprises the younger "tata?" 

His attention is now on the older male's "tattoo" The little attempts to say it correctly but gives up after failing to say it right 

The older laughs a little "It's okay baby, you'll learn to say it soon" he brings tae on his lap "Say. Taetae is hungry, let's get a yummy breakfast?" "YESH, can taetae hwelp?" his face tilted in an innocent way, and almond-like eyes has the CEO fascinated by their beauty 

"Of course angel, do you want Ggu to carry you ?" "mhm"

And they both go to the kitchen, Taehyung being jeongguk's little helper 

"Wow baby, good job." clapping his hands, showing how proud he is "Yay!" the little being happy his kookie is praising him. They are making waffles and omelets

After they made a lovely breakfast.  "can't forget banana milk"   the little giggled "nana milk ish yummy" 

Jeongguk chuckles "Yep. let's eat now "

They continued finishing a nice breakfast, they didn't have a lot of work this week, so the CEO's focus is on his baby. 

In the evening, Jeongguk did a little workout, during Taehyung's nap. An hour later, it was time for them to have lunch, eating rice and veggies with bulgogi prepared by Jeongguk 

"yummy!" Tae claps excitedly, causing the other to  have a huge smile 

To be continued...

Another update! 

Have a lovely day, you beautiful people <33333

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