The time when they thought Annabeth is the daughter of a CEO

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On the same day that Percy's siblings invaded the swimming practice, another figure also showed on the school.

She had brunet hair, neatly arranged in a bun.

She was dressed in clothes normally used by executives of some important enterprise and she was carrying a file case.

Her eyes were grey and very similar to Annabeth's.

Anyone that looked at her direction would think she was at the school for business.

The woman, Athena, walked with confidence and only stopped when she reached the door of the room where the Decathlon's team was practicing.

- Normally, how many liters of blood does a person have? – a boy asked, right when Athen entered the classroom, without being noticed.

- Between 4 and 6 liters. – answered Annabeth.

- The answer is correct – said the boy.

- Of course it is – says Athena - as if Annabeth would answer wrongly a question like this.

Everyone was startled and looked at her direction, finally realizing her presence.

- Mother! – exclaimed Annabeth, getting up – What are you doing here?

Her classmates and teacher were shocked.

Was that woman Annabeth's mother?

- I had something to discuss with you about... The projects that you are responsible for.

- I would go there right after school –the teenager replied – Couldn't you wait for more half an hour?

- Annabeth, this matter have precedence over the activities of a school club. I'm not interrupting your class – answered the woman.

The other members of the team felt offended, but before they could say anything, Annabeth got mad:

- I have a responsibility to the team and my friends, mother – she says coldly – the Practice is just as important as the classes.

- No sense – says Athena – You already knows all the answers. Your classmates can practice without you. The renovation's projects are your responsibility and depend on you to be carried on or changed.

The mortals got confused: renovation's projects? But Annabeth was still on High School...

- Whatever this is, I sure it could wait until I arrived there – the blond replayed – But so be it, what do you want to talk about?

Athena opened the file case and handed some papers to Annabeth.

- Your grandfather decided that his office wasn't exuberant enough. This was the requests to be added.

- This is... an absurd! I will not match with what I had planned at all! I will have to redo all the project - exclaimed Annabeth, frustrated.

- I know – replayed Athena – Why do you think I come to see you immediately?

- I still think you could have waited – says Annabeth – It isn't as if I could start sketching everything right now. Besides, I may be responsible for the projects, but everyone just keeps asking me to add something, making the constructions not move forward. Even you already asked me to redo the project to your office three times or more.

They were, off course, saying "offices" because of the mortals, but in reality, they were talking about the temples...

- Well I really needed for you to change those details – stated Athena.

Annabeth rolled her eyes.

Unable to stand the argument between mother and daughter any longer, the teacher responsible for the Decathlon team said:

- Maybe you should go with your mother, miss Chase. Leaving early one day won't be a problem.

Annabeth sighed, but complies.

When the two leave the room, all the students started to whisper between themselves.

The conclusion they reached, judging by the clothes used by Annabeth's mother and the discussion between the two was that Annabeth's grandfather is the owner of some enterprise, for which Athena would be the CEO and that, for some reason, they had asked the blond to make the projects to some renovation on the enterprise.

It went in favor of the Mafia theory, after all, how many CEOs weren't mafia bosses on books? At least some stories must have a real background. 

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