The time when Solangelo "confirms" the mafia story

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One month had passed since the professions day, and the school decided to do another event: a cultural fair. To this fair, the students should organize themselves on doubles or trios and do a presentation about a different culture, current or ancient.

Percy and Annabeth would, of course, talk about ancient Greece. They invited Lily to do it with them, but High School and Middle School would presented on different days.

They had taken armors, swords, temple miniatures, and where even using Greek clothes (to Percy's despair, that hated putting on those terrible complicated things, although all the mortals agreed that the two of them looked like Greek Gods wearing them).

Percy was using a Chiton with a clothing used by military and hunting, that he had borrowed from Triton. Annabeth was using a Chiton with a Plepos over it , that she had borrowed from Rhodes.

To the posters they described the Olympian council (together with Hades and Hestia) and some minor gods, besides some customs that mortals had.

They also had written things in ancient Greek and explained some famous personalities of that time.

The couple was totally on their element.

But they were also expecting someone to show up and confuse everyone.

They were, of course, correct in expect something like that.

The ones that showed up this time were Nico and Will.

The couple was the same contraction as always, but they were happy and that is what matters.

- Nico! Will! I'm glad you came! – exclaimed Percy.

- What do you think, boys? – asked Annabeth, showing the booth.

- Amazing – Will laughed – Way close to home.

- You could have showed the Mythomagic game – said Nico

- That would be out of the project theme, Niks – said Percy, smiling, before pointing to a part of the booth – But, look, we put some figurines.

- Humm – makes Nico

The group talked calmly, interrupting sometimes so Percy and Annabeth could present.

Everything was going well until John/Josh/Johan showed up saying:

- What are you wearing, Jackson? A dress? Did you borrow it from your stepmother?

The boy believed that Percy would get angry, but the son of Poseidon only answered:

- It's called Chiton with a Chlamys, you fool. The first is used by men and women, the second is a military clothing used between the centuries 5 and 3 b.C. I borrowed it from my brother. – and then he smiled – But if it really was a dress, I'm sure I would look gorgeous.

The face the bully made was priceless, while Annabeth and Will laughed of what Percy had said, Nico gave a half smile.

- I'm sure you would – laughed Annabeth – We should organize a crossdressing party at camp.

- It would be a success – assured Will

- Why am I friends with you again? – asked Nico, but he looked amused, before grimacing and saying to Johan/Jonathan/Jonah – I would be careful if I were you. My dad is an expert in... torture and punishment... I wouldn't mind testing some of them on someone like you.

Of course, Nico was talking about the Punishment fields and punishing a ghost with the same personality of the mortal, but he didn't need to know that. Nico and Will had heard about the mafia story and didn't see any harm in promoting the stories.

The other three stopped laughing and started to look between Nico and Johan/Josh/John. The silence prolonged itself until Will said:

- Not that I don't approve the feeling, but did I said about underworld talk while we are with outsiders? – also wanting to see the circus on fire and promote the stories. "Underworld" being Hade's kingdom and "outsiders being "mortals that don't see thru the mist".

Percy and Annabeth share a look before facepalming, exasperated.

While that happened, Johan turned pale and ran away, with his tail between his legs.

And it was like this that the mortals concluded that, yes, Percy and Annabeth were part of the mafia, and all the rumors were true. After all "underworld" and "torture" can only mean one thing, right? 

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