I Was Not a Siren

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I stood before a mob of mirrors
Secrets crawling beneath my skin
Strangers telling me what I was
A painting of my sin

Men were weeping in the sea
Insisting they were lured
Enchanted by the word "no"
A sickness that couldn't be cured

The great monsters of the deep blue
With scales and gnashing teeth
Ripping the skin from off my bones
To see what I looked like underneath

The Ocean knew that touch would linger
Like words carved into stone
She heard my cries and drowned the devil
The only mother I've ever known

Because it wasn't enough to heal my soul
Or swim away from the sea
I needed to fight every ghost
Who had ever haunted me

So, I'll stand before a mob of mirrors
And prepare to be exiled
But I wasn't a siren seducing men
I was just a child.

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