The Wrath of Winter

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I lost my very soul when he left
There are some wounds that time cannot heal
I played another round with Aphrodite
She didn't keep her end of the deal

The fire dwindled when he left
Upon cold grounds I stood
The flames needed no coal with him
Because my bones were made of wood

The fire singed my flesh and burnt my heart
Still, I craved the heat
Black and blue blanketed the sky
Darkness, I would soon greet

I dug my fingers beneath the crust of the earth
Praying to find the core
But still, I found no light, no fire
Beneath the ground I tore

He ran and winter took his place
Killing my flowers and freezing their soil
I fought for my life in the brutal snow
Willing my blood to boil

I lost much more than my soul when he left
I lost my flames that kept me alive
Now I lay buried, beneath the earth
Waiting for another garden to thrive

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