Chapter 4 - In Which Tracey is Given a Task

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Mr. Nidaye let his words hang in the air, his eyes searching Tracey's for any change of expression.

Tracey found herself taken aback by the sudden mention of her work, not just by the fact that this was the first she had ever met this gentleman, but that such a gentleman of such social stature should take any sort of time to research and find her place of employment.

I best play it safe, she thought. "I'm certain Mr. Porter would be more than happy to have you join Porter Keeper Shoppe's clientele. He's available through steam-conversation or in person," she stiffly said, careful to keep her voice as neutral as possible.

"Yes, I'm aware," he calmly replied. "I must know, however... What would one do in a case that they have an item that consists of two parts and must be kept separate at all times?"

"You would...simply keep them in two different locations," Tracey said with a frown. What is he getting at?

"Does Porter Keeper Shoppe have more than one location?"


Mr. Nidaye nodded. "Probably for the best," he said. "I suppose it wouldn't be wise to store both parts of that item with the same establishment."

"I'm sure Mr. Porter would be more than happy to work out a solution for your needs, Mr. Nidaye," Tracey graciously said, standing. "Now if I may, I would like to rejoin the tour."

"Ms. Higgenbottom," Mr. Nidaye said, an edge in his voice, "please sit. I insist."

Tracey hesitated, considered running, immediately decided against it, then slowly lowered into the seat once more. Mr. Nidaye stared evenly at her, his eyes twitching into a squint. She gulped.

"I am a current client of Mr. Porter," he finally said. "One of his anonymous ones."

Tracey blinked. Oh? This must be how he knows of me.

"His solution was for me to give him only half of the item. I still have the other half here on these grounds. I do not wish to give the other half to another keeper." Mr. Nidaye shifted. "I have reason to believe that the half here will soon be stolen."

"And what would you like for me to do about this, sir? This sounds like it may be an issue to take with the High Constable Offi—"

"And have them make a folly of it all?" he scoffed. "No, I need someone trustworthy to help me. You're Mr. Porter's secretary, so I'm more inclined to trust you over a bumbling constable."

"I...suppose you have a point. They don't have the best of reputations."

"I'm glad we see eye to eye on the matter," he said with a smile. "The part in question," he continued, "that I have here is far more valuable than the part at Mr. Porter's shop," he said. "And I would like to switch the items out." He paused, waiting for Tracey to interject.

Tracey stared with her hands neatly clasped on her lap. She prudently stayed silent.

"My every move is currently being monitored," he finished. "So, I cannot risk the travel myself."

"So you want me to travel all the way back to Mondon?" Tracey cried in dismay. "I've only just arrived a few hours ago!"

"No, of course not," Mr. Nidaye laughed. "I've already arranged for Mr. Porter to deliver the item to the town. What I need is for you to receive it to avert suspicion."

Why didn't Mr. Porter mention this before I left? she thought with a tinge of annoyance. "I'm not sure I'm following your plan," she said.

"If you were to get a package from Porter Keeper Shoppe, no one would think twice of it—you're his secretary after all. If I were to go myself, or even send a servant or friend to pick it up, it would look suspicious, would it not? Why would any of my circle have interest in a small shop on the outskirts of Mondon? It would only tip off whoever is trying to steal the item here of my plan."

"So you'd like for me to get this package and, then what?"

"Deliver it to me at dinner tomorrow evening," he said, pushing himself away from the desk. "We're hosting a rather special event here at Gearshend Manor, hence all of the guests. No one should suspect a thing if I invite you as a guest of Meridith's. I'll give you my next set of instructions as to how I need the other item delivered to Mr. Porter."

Tracey paused. I suppose this won't disrupt my vacation too much... It's only a package. "Alright," she said with a nod. "I'll do it."

"Wonderful!" Mr. Nidaye said, clapping his hands. "I'll compensate you accordingly, Ms. Higgenbottom. Thank you very much for your help!" He stood and escorted Tracey to the study's doors, opening them for her. "I won't be rejoining the tour," he said as she entered the hallway. "You should find them in the garden outside. Take a right and it's the door at the end."

"What should I tell them if they ask why I'd left?" Tracey said as she ventured into the hallway, turning inquisitively to Mr. Nidaye.

Mr. Nidaye thoughtfully paused, his eyebrows furrowing in contemplation. "Just tell them I pulled you aside to explain the week's events," he finally said.

"And what are these events, if I may ask?"

"The less you know, the better, Ms. Higgenbottom," he simply said. "Goodbye."

With those words, Mr. Nidaye disappeared into his study, leaving Tracey at a loss. "...I suppose I'll find the garden then," she muttered as she walked through the hallway.

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