Chapter 13 - In Which Suspicions are Raised

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Armed with the package in hand, Tracey followed the maid's direction to Mr. Nidaye's office. It had only taken her a few minutes to reach her room, locate the hidden package, and carry it in hand. Down the hallway, take the third right, and down the set of stairs, she repeated to herself as she walked through the manor.

Tracey scanned the decadent hallways, her eyes flitting on numerous paintings, each stretching far above her and containing countless details engraved into its golden frames. As she stared at each unfamiliar face and strange location in the portraits and landscapes, she slowed to a pause. Isn't that Mittie? she thought, squinting at an especially large painting.

Mittie sat in the center of the group, placidly gazing ahead. Behind her stood two individuals whom Tracey recognized to be Mr. and Mrs. Nidaye. Those must be Samuel and Daphnie, she thought with a blink of recognition upon the sight of Mittie's two siblings. They stood to Mittie's side, their faces just as distant as their sister's. On Mittie's other side stood another woman. She must be another sister, Tracey thought. She looks like a part of the family.

Down the hallway came a rustling noise, causing Tracey to jump. I mustn't linger, she thought, briskly continuing to Mr. Nidaye's office.

As she reached his office, however, she came upon a perplexing sight.

Mr. Nidaye was indeed there, yes. Strangely, though, he stood outside of his doors, keys in hand. He turned the key and jiggled the handle. With a small nod, he then walked away.

Tracey hesitated. How peculiar... she thought, watching his retreating figure. Did he not just call for me?

She approached the doors and touched the handle. Locked. "Then how am I supposed to leave the package for him?" she muttered.

"Ms. Higgenbottom?" a voice said from beside her.

Tracey started with a gasp, her jaw dropping open.

Mr. Nidaye inquisitively stared at the woman, his keys poised in his hand. "You've almost missed me," he said. "I've only just returned to get something from my office before I leave out for the afternoon. What brings you here?"

She gaped at Mr. Nidaye. "You were leaving?" Tracey finally managed to say.

"I'll be back for dinner," he said with a dismissive wave. "How can I help you?" Mr. Nidaye's eyes flitted to the package in Tracey's hands. He raised an eyebrow. "That's not what I think it is, is it?"

"You," Tracey faltered. "You asked me to bring it here."

Mr. Nidaye squinted. "I don't believe I did," he said. He paused, swiveling his head around as he scanned the hall. Shaking his head, he unlocked the door and swung it open, stepping aside and gesturing to Tracey. "Let's talk inside," he said.

Tracey hurried in after the man, crossing the large office and finding her way to his desk, sitting in a chair opposite it.

"Now," Mr. Nidaye said, pacing toward Tracey and dropping into his chair. "Did I not tell you to bring it to me at dinner? I was quite specific about that, as I recall."

"You did," Tracey said, shrinking under his glare. "But you just sent for me to bring it here..."


Tracey shook her head, pulling the note out of her pocket. "A maid gave me this message from you."

Mr. Nidaye gingerly took the extended sheet of paper and unfolded it. His scowl deepened as he read the message. With a heavy sigh, he slapped the note onto the table and leaned back. "I didn't write that," he said. "But they did a good job copying my handwriting."

A counterfeit? Tracey thought, staring at the note. "Does this mean someone else knows about the package?"

Mr. Nidaye stared at the office's doors, his eyebrows knitting. "It does seem that way, does it not?" he said. His eyes snapped to Tracey's. "Ms. Higgenbottom," he said, leaning forward with an air of urgency.

"Yes?" she replied, leaning back.

"Don't let that package leave your sight for the rest of the day," he said, his voice low. "It is imperative that you give it to me only at dinner. The timing is key."

"Do you expect me to carry this box around and not arouse any questions, sir?" Tracey indignantly replied. "It was hard enough as it was to retrieve it from town!"

"Then hide until dinner, for all I care!" Mr. Nidaye said. "I do not want this box to go missing before I even get a chance to present it."

"Present it?"

Mr. Nidaye abruptly stood, pushing his chair back with a loud clatter. "I believe you've received your instructions, Ms. Higgenbottom," he said walking to her side and towering over her. "Not a word of this meeting to anyone. Are we clear?"

"Yes," Tracey testily said, doing her utmost to keep her expression free of any semblance of a glare. The things I do for Mr. Porter's clients, she thought.

Evidently satisfied by her response, Mr. Nidaye nodded and gestured to the door. "Turn the handle's latch to unlock it. I'll see you this evening," he said.

With flushed cheeks, Tracey stalked out of the room, fuming. He certainly knows how to boss around, doesn't he? she thought with a disdainful sniff.

She navigated her way back to her room, her mind occupied with the next tasks at hand. Sorry, Mr. Nidaye, she thought. I don't think I can hide until dinner.

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