Chapter 10 - In Which Paintings are Made

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Tracey spent the better part of the steam carriage ride in weighty silence. Save for an occasional clearing of a throat or the bubbling of the carriage's machinery, no sound came from either passenger. Could this ride possibly take any longer? Tracey thought with a restrained sigh. She glanced at Constant, whose eyes remained—much to her alarm—fixed on the parcel. And he won't stop looking at this package! Tracey tightened her grip on the box.

"Package from your boss, is it?" Constant finally said.

"Yes," she sniffed.

"Hm," was the only sound he made before returning his attention to the road.

With the return of the heavy silence, Tracey turned to the confines of her own thoughts. I need to go back to the cottage, search my luggage for the ticket, then meet with the others this afternoon. She absentmindedly tapped the package. But then what will I do with this in the meantime? Leave it in the cottage and pick it up when I return to get ready? Tracey frowned. I doubt I'll have enough time to get ready after meeting everyone. Should I get ready for dinner before I meet them, then? But then I'd be overdressed all afternoon...Tracey watched as the rolling hills spilled away into the expansive ocean on the horizon. She spotted people milling about the framework of large tents on the beach below.

Wyndham suggested that I should visit the beach. I wonder if he's there? She pulled the envelope from her pocket and stared at the handwriting. Perhaps I might be able to save Bentam some time with a bit of my own investigating... "Constant?" Tracey said, returning the paper to her pocket.

"Hm?" he grunted.

"Instead of taking me back to the cottage, may you drop me off at the beach?"

"The beach, miss?" he said. Constant turned a wary eye to her.

"Yes," Tracey said with a curt nod. Her mind raced as she racked it for a plausible excuse. "I heard there will be an event there later this week, and I'd like to visit it before it gets too crowded."

Constant nodded, returning his attention to the road. "It'll be packed starting tomorrow," he said. "I suppose I can take a detour."

Tracey let out a quiet breath as he shifted directions, veering onto a smaller gravel road.

Soon, they arrived at an expanse of grass that trickled into the sand. The beach washed away into the infinite blue water which gently lapped the sand with its waves. Tracey momentarily found herself to be transfixed at the impressive view. "Beautiful..." she whispered.

Beside her, Constant cleared his throat. "I'll have to leave in a few minutes, miss," he said. "I really should be back at the manor soon."

"Oh!" Tracey said with a start, realizing Constant had parked the steam carriage in the grassy area and patiently waited.

"You can leave your package here while you take a walk," he said, nodding to the box in her lap.

There he goes again, Tracey thought with a frown. "No, it's alright," she said, hopping out of the carriage, box underarm. "I'll only take a few minutes."

Tracey marched through the grass, slowing as her feet sunk into the considerably more fluid sand of the beach. Perhaps I should have left the package... she thought as she found it to be a struggle to maintain her composure. Her feet sunk in the sand with each careful step, throwing her off balance with each movement.

Soon enough, thankfully, she was able to find her gait, and confidently march down the beach. Now closer to the bustle of action, Tracey could see the wiry framework of the tall tent. Workers milled about shouting at each other as they assembled the complex structure with the help of steam-powered tools that looked strange to Tracey. She squinted, watching as they used the tools to lift material, cut poles, and join pieces. But that's not what I'm here for, she thought, shaking her head and continuing her walk.

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