Chapter 6 - In Which an Identity is Revealed

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Tracey stared at the woman, uncertain of how to proceed with such an unexpected change of events. Although she didn't sport the pair of bloomers that Tracey had grown used to seeing her wearing, the woman was indeed the same Mittie she knew, albeit more polished.

Her coily hair was fashioned into a stylish bun, her neck was encircled with a simple yet elegant strand of gold. The dress was of the latest fashion — broad neckline, puffed sleeves, high waistline, and adorned with dainty gear embroidery. Nothing of her attire suggested her profession of being a merchant. Rather, she looked quite at home in the luxurious manor.

 Rather, she looked quite at home in the luxurious manor

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"Mittie?" Tracey said. She winced at the falter in her voice.

Out of all the people she had expected to see, her traveling friend from Mondon was the last person she'd expected. The two had parted ways weeks before Tracey's departure for vacation. I thought she'd be out of the country! Tracey thought. Did she not tell me so? And where is her accent?"

"Mother, this is Tracey!" Mittie said, her voice far more enunciated than Tracey had ever heard before. "She had told me that she would be visiting this side of the country this month."

"Is that so?" Mrs. Nidaye sniffed, scowling at Tracey. "And did you invite her here, Mitilde?"

"...No," Mittie slowly said. "Although, I did plan on visiting her later this week as a surprise!"

"I suppose the surprise is now," Tracey said with a nervous chuckle.

Mrs. Nidaye's scowl deepened. "Just how many...strangers" —she paused to cast a scornful gaze on Tracey— "did you meet on your little merchant escapade, Mitilde?"

Mittie stiffened, her typically bright and curious gaze cold and resentful. "My trading business requires that I meet many people in order to make sales, Mother," she evenly said.

"So you still call it a business," her mother sighed. "I thought this past one would have been your last excursion of the sort."

"No, Mother. As I have been running this business for the past five years with much success, I intend on continuing my travels and may even expand it further."

Mrs. Nidaye leveled her glare at Mittie, then glanced at Tracey. "Hmph," she sniffed. "If you dare to so much as leave this room," she said to Tracey, "I'll be sending security in search of you. I will return with Mr. Nidaye. Mitilde," she added with a cool glance at her daughter. "Be a dear and keep an eye on this...Ms. Higgenbottom."

"Why, of course," Mittie stiffly replied.

With that exchange, Mrs. Nidaye swept out of the room, leaving silence in her wake.

Tracey and Mittie awkwardly stared at one another, for the first time making the shocking discovery that the prolonged absence of each other's company had left a desperate want for topics of conversation.

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