Chapter 15 - In Which More Questions are Raised

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While Tracey had hoped for an inconspicuous arrival to her quarters, she soon had to resign to no such entrance. The once-vacant halls were now bustling with activity — maids bustled to and from adjacent rooms and doors flew open and shut in their wake. I suppose I'm not the only one getting ready, Tracey thought, drawing the package closer to herself.

As she neared her doors, however, she came to a halt.

In front of them stood an older man. Is that not the man who insulted me yesterday? she thought indignantly, recalling the previous day's tour.

Today, however, the man did not appear to be in as disagreeable of a mood. In fact, he seemed rather apologetic. His eyes were downcast as he scanned through a small journal that he held. Tracey frowned. "May I help you?" she said as she stopped a few paces away from him.

The man started, letting out a loud grunt. "My apologies. I did not see you approach," he huffed, snapping the book shut and patting his silken vest. "I was told I would find you here."

Tracey raised an eyebrow. Who told him where my room is? I've only just gotten it this afternoon.

He continued. "I'm afraid we did not get off to the right start yesterday, madam," he said. "I did not realize you would be a guest of this...esteemed event."

"And that is to mean?"

"Nothing at all," he quickly said. "I would like to introduce myself properly. We will be seeing more of each other this week, after all."

Will we? Tracey thought.

"I am Louis Lawrence — or Mr. Lawrence. Family legal counsel." Mr. Lawrence bobbed into a shallow courtesy. "As I am quite fond and rather protective of Mr. Nidaye and his family, I'm naturally wary of strangers who try to weasel their way into the family's inner circles. I had erroneously judged you to be the sort: a scrupulous capitalist trying to use our friend Wyndham as a way in. For that, I apologize for my previously discourteous behavior."

"Oh," Tracey said with a blink. "Well...apology accepted. I do suppose we got off on the wrong foot, did we not?"

"We did. And as fellow professionals for the Nidaye household, it's imperative that we work together in peace, is it not?"

Fellow professionals? Tracey thought.

Mr. Lawrence paused. "You are the representative of the Nidaye family's keeper, are you not?"

"No, I am here for vacation, not work," Tracey said. "Who told you such a thing?"

Mr. Lawrence's eyebrows shot up, and he hesitated. "I must be mistaken," he said. "Are you not a guest for the week here?"


"And you will be at this dinner tonight, will you not?"

"What of it?"

He squinted his eyes. "Interesting," he muttered. "Well, I suppose I shouldn't hold you much longer, miss..."


Once again, the lawyer hesitated. "Ah, Ms. Higgenbottom," he said, slowly sounding out her name.

Tracey's frown deepened. What a strange man.

"I'm sure you're quite preoccupied with preparing for the evening's events, and far be it from me to be the one to hold you back from such affairs," Mr. Lawrence continued, tapping his fingers on his journal. With a quick bob of his head, he briskly retreated from her door and down the hall.

Tracey watched the man stop at a room towards the end of the hallway. Strange... she thought as she entered her own room.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23 ⏰

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