Chapter 2: ANDREA a.k.a DREW

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I don't know if I should feel sorry for Sir Walter during that time. When I saw how much he loved his girlfriend, it made me think how fortunate Ms. Samantha to allocate that much time for her. However, she rejected Sir Walter's proposal. Maybe that's just how it is, sometimes not everything we desire becomes ours. God doesn't grant us everything, no matter how hard we try.

I am one of Sir Walter's students who volunteered for the surprises in his proposal to his beautiful girlfriend. Sir and I are not close, in fact, I'm often the cause of his headaches in class. If you think I'm one of the brown-nosers in class, FYI, you're mistaken.

I'm also not part of his Fans Club on our campus. Yes, I admit he is very handsome, and there are a lot of girls have crushes and fall in love with him at school, but I will never join them, ever! (And I never dreamt of it, by the way.)

Now, if you're wondering why I'm here today as one of the volunteer students, it's for practical reasons, especially since I'm failing his class. So here I am, needing to work hard and radiate good vibes towards him. Otherwise, I'll lose my scholarship from Father Jowie, a priest and who happened to be my godfather.

So, even though it goes against my will, I will just close my eyes to do it in the name of a pitiful grade, it is for my scholarship. I will swallow the mockery of my friends rather than be greeted by Aunt Alma's weapon-like mouth when I am summoned to school again and told that her supposedly good step daighter has failed once more. Aunt Alma is our wicked stepmother.

I saw Sir Walter being approached by his mother while he was sitting at the table where his girlfriend left him. His mother quickly embraced him, and his two siblings also came to support wholeheartedly on that occasion.

At that time, I felt envious of Sir Walter. He is lucky to have a loving mother, while my sibling Oteph and I consider ourselves fortunate if our stepmother treated us the way Sir Walter's mother did. As for Dad? He's worthless. He often takes the side of his second wife more than protecting us from the mistreatment we endure from them. He inflicts more physical abuse on us than the days of peace in our home.

I don't know why Dad turned out like that since our real mother passed away. If it weren't for Oteph, I would have left home a long time ago.

During those moments, I didn't know whether to sympathize with our teacher. It feels like my heart has become as hard as a stone and don't even care what happened. That's why I'm sitting in a corner of the kitchen, taking advantage of the opportunity to eat. Yes, enjoying the food prepared by sir Walter's family for that special occassion. How can I not eat? I've been famished for so long. I didn't know that his seemingly primadonna girlfriend would arrive at that hour. It's almost nine in the evening, who wouldn't be starving at that time?

My only best friend, Gem Ver (yes, his name is unique), was staring at me and shaking his head as I happily indulged in the delicious dishes prepared for the occasion. He approached me and sat beside me.

"Dude, eat with me while the food is still hot." I invited him while savoring every bite of the crispy chicken skin. "Here's the Chicken McJoy, try it, it's incredibly well-cooked and delicious." I offered him a piece of fried chicken.

"Wow, Drew, I'm impressed that you managed to eat in that state." Gem Ver said, trying to insult me with his mockery tone.

"What's wrong with eating when you're extremely hungry?" I retorted, taking a bite of the chicken thigh. "Besides, wasting food is a shame. Look, they probably won't even eat." I added, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.

He handed me a few tissues, shaking his head while looking at me.
"Don't talk while your mouth is full. Manners please?" he said and burst into laughter.

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