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Upon entering the room, I found Oteph already seated and enjoying his meal. The thought of my earlier actions still lingered in my mind, and I felt a deep sense of guilt for what I had done to our stepmother. However, I am only human and not without flaws. I also stand up for myself when I feel unjustly treated.

"This is delicious, Ate," exclaimed Oteph, brimming with excitement as he savored every bite.

"Of course. It was made especially for you. I knew you would relish this exquisite feast," I responded with a smile.

I couldn't help but notice that Oteph had devoured most of the Carbonara and fried chicken, which happened to be his all-time favorites.

"Why haven't you eaten yet, Ate? I thought we were going to dine together," he questioned.

"How can I dine with you when you've nearly polished off the food I brought?" I replied jokingly.

"Huh?" he was taken aback. "Sorry... it's just that the flavors are incredibly irresistible, Ate. I couldn't resist due to my intense hunger. I apologize, Ate," Oteph expressed with a hint of sadness. His eyes glanced at the nearly empty Carbonara plate before him.

"It's alright. That meal was intended just for you, Oteph. Besides, I had already eaten earlier, so it's perfectly fine that you finished it," I assured him.

Taking a seat beside him, I felt immense joy seeing his genuine enjoyment of the food I had prepared. I observed him continue to relish his Carbonara, releasing a satisfied sigh. He covered his mouth and looked at me. I met his gaze, and we both erupted into laughter together.

The delight in my heart was immeasurable as I witnessed him still finding reasons to laugh despite our circumstances. His laughter was like a harmonious melody to my ears, and I wished it would never fade away.

However, my smile vanished as soon as I heard Aunt Alma's voice in the living room. I knew that our father, Rudy had arrived, and he had already recounted the earlier events.

As expected, he once again sided with our stepmom. Within moments, I could discern the heavy thud of his footsteps nearing the front door of our room, with Oteph in tow.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

Dad forcefully pounded on the wooden door of our room.

"Andrea, come out of here! You shameless b*tch, come out so we can talk!" Dad shouted loudly, causing Oteph to jump in fear and swiftly cling to me.

"If you don't come out, I'll break down this door and drag you out of the house! I didn't raise you to be an unruly child! You will regret it!" Dad's voice resonated, growing louder and more intimidating.

This was the first time I felt genuine fear towards Dad. Though he often yelled at me, his anger had never been this intense. I had become accustomed to Daddy Rudy's outbursts, but this time felt different.

Oteph held onto me even tighter, trembling with fear. My little brother shook uncontrollably, overwhelmed by our furious father's shouts.

"So, you refuse to come out, huh?!" Daddy Rudy issued another warning.

Oteph was on the verge of sobbing, tightly clutching onto me. Even I was uncertain about what to do, especially since I was more concerned about my brother's safety than my own fear.

"Ssshhh... Don't be afraid, big sister is right beside you. I won't leave you." I whispered softly, my voice trembling.


The door of our room violently crashed down, slamming onto the floor. Oteph screamed in terror, startled by the sudden noise.

Daddy Rudy, consumed by fury, burst into the room. Upon entering, he forcefully grabbed the back of my uniform and dragged me out.

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