Very coincidentally!

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It took me a bit to find all the books and get them on the table. Each one was a unique one and they were all created by me. Seeing them get sold made me very proud of myself. In case this person wanted heroes as well, I decided to take them out as well. In total I had 13 hero notebooks and then 21 for the villain said and another 4 for vigilantes. They were quite heavy so I hoped that the man would have a way to transport them otherwise he may come and get them later on as well.

This is weird...

I wonder where he really came from...

How did he even get his hands on that book?

Wait a moment...

Is it even safe to give him that?

I mean he looked like either a villain or a vigilante. I would go more on the villain side with that look. Besides he didn't seem as if he would socialise a lot as well. Vigilantes usually have another life but I don't think he has a private life.

Wow...I do sound pretty rude.

Whelp, at least he can't hear my thoughts.

Then again, I wonder what happened to him to become a villain....

Maybe his family died? It would be such a tragic and epic story. 

A father who wants to revenge his families death including his childs. The heroes failed to safe them or are even the reason for that. This is why he decided to go and act against them on his own. A lone wolf on a hunt for his pray and someone to only go after guiltily people. 


That sounds more like how he looked.

Ah maybe I can make him talk to me.

I would love to hear what he has to say.

A couple of hours after I found everything, I could hear the bell of my shop rinning and once I looked at who just came, I saw that my old friend Mr.Hisashi came in. He seemed quite amused and in a good mood as well which made me happy. Last time I saw him, he seemed more tired and annoyed of his children and the pet he was keeping.

Me: Welcome Back.

Hisashi: Hello.

Me: How can I help you this time around?

Hisashi: I just passed your shop coincidentally and thought that you might like these as well.

Very coincidental...

Let me guess... you also have this bag with you very coincidentally...

You don't have to beat around the bush to visit me.

If he feels better this way, then I should leave him be.

Let's concider this an accident.

With that being said, he came over and put one of the two bags he was holding on my desk in front of me. It was a bag filled with sweets, tea leaves as well as a cake in a box. I for sure didn't expected that and he did managed to surprise me.

Me: Thank you.

Hisashi: Nothing to thank me. I should thank you. The camp was a good idea.

Me: Oh was it?

Hisashi: Indeed. Are you sorting out some old books?

Me: Oh no, someone ordered these.

Hisashi: I see. Then I do not want to disturb you any more and keep going.

Me: Oh please, why don't you stay for a cup of tea?

Hisashi: I would love to but I have to get my children these.


Makes sense.

They do look like rally good and expensive stuff...

Ah I can't wait to dig into them a bit!

Thank you!

He looked at the bag which he slightly raised up in the air and I knew that he was about to deliver some sweets to them as well. 

Me: Well in that case, how about a tea next time you come?

Hisashi: Let's do that.

That was all he said before turning around and walking out of my shop. At the same time, my new costumer came in. They both met at the door and I could see my new costumer getting a bit nervous for no reasons. Not only that but he froze there on the spot too.

Me: Have a great day Mr. Hisashi.

Hisashi: You as well and please do drop the Mr. next time.

Me: I will try.

This was the end of our conversation and I could now focus on the man who just arrived to pick up the books.

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