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Oh believe me when I say, I never wanted to see the rat again but here he was sitting right next to me a month and two later than the last time. Come to think about it, it could also be three months away but that didn't matter at all. We were sitting in the readers area with some tea and I could only think about what Endeavor told me that day. 

Oh my god...

What did he read when Mr. Todoroki went ahead and destroyed the hero commission....

This can't be good.

I was quite the nervous wreck but I tried my best to play a poker face.

Me: Nezu, what pleasure do I owe this visit?

Nezu: I came here to tell you that the plan was sucessful.

Oh no... I knew there was a catch for sure... but what plan!

What did he read about?

Danm it!

I hate myself right now... why did I even give him a thick ass book... that means he just had more to read about whatever this was all about!

Me: Oh please tell me more.

I was smiling towards the rat trying to keep it cool but there was this feeling in the pits of my stomach that was screaming at me. Something was not right and I hated it soo much. Though there was nothing I could do right now at all. This was all my fault since I didn't know that I could do that and having a bookstore was not helping it either. 

Nezu: I have finally managed to get the controll over all the continents.

Me: Pardon.

He didn't just say continents right.... I must have mishead him. This can't be true!

Nezu: I was at the conference and managed to purse Europe, Amerika, Australia and Afrika to agree in letting me lead the continent.

Oh damn...

This is world domination...


I am gonna go crazy now!

How is this possible?!

Is this good?

I was a bit panicking but this rat smiled at me and calmly continued sipping his tea. It was as if nothing was wrong with this one but I was thinking otherwise. Needlessly to say that I was sweating a lot and walking on thin ice here because now I started to feel even more scared off this creature in front of me.

Me: What do you intend to do now?

Nezu: Making the world a better place.

Me: How so?

Nezu: I will make sure that technology, wisdom, food and all the necessities are split evenly out. No exploitation anymore. Besides that I also want to make sure that the people can survive in any country no matter where they are.

Me: A noble goal.

Nezu: It may be that but it is also a hard one and only possible thanks to you.

Me: I see.

Nezu: This is also what brings me here.

Me: Let me guess, you want to have another book.

Nezu: Indeed.

Me: I have to refuse that request.

Nezu: How come?

Me: You have accomplished your task and the rest is up to you.

Nezu: I see.... how very interesting.

Me: Anything else I can do for you though?

Nezu: Nothing but I will come again and share some more tea with you. 

That is all he said once again before going out of my store. Our meetings were always short and he was also a fast one to chuck his tea down. Besides I was not blaming him nor would I definitely stop him from going. I was glad he was not here anymore and once he got out, I collaped into the chair thinking about what I had just done unconsciously.

I never planned this...

I never wanted someone to conquer the world!

How did this even start!


I am speechless!

What am I about to do now?

Does anyone have proof it was me?


Well at least he won't destroy the world....

Me: *sigh*

It was a really heavy year for sure but this was toping it all. Now I had to deal with this in peace without even telling anyone what happened. If I would do so, who knows what kind of danger I would be exposed to. I would rather forget and ignore than have this true besides I was living in my own little world of books. There was no need to concern myself about this.

Me: Alright... let's just accept this and live on!

This was how I would for sure continue to live ignoring the world outside of my little bookstore. I gave up on it the moment the world gave up on me. However what I found was pure bliss as I loved my little bookstore and all the crazy things happening here... though from now on I would be more careful. That was for sure.


A/N:Thanks for reading this and I hope you all enjoyed this as well!

I really didn't plan this...this... World Domination! I SWEAR!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat