CHAPTER 2: My Bestfriend's husband

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"Flight attendants, prepare for landing please."

"Cabin crew, please take your seats for landing. The flight attendant's voice bloomed through the speaker. Everyone sit tight on their spot as the plane slowly started to bow down to land on the ground.

A man was sitting there on one of the seats, his one lag placed over the other. Slacks tightly wrapped around his thighs like they would rip apart at any moment. Black polished pointed shoes.

His shoes are so clean that you can see your own face on them like it's a mirror.

Just like his slacks, the blue suit he is wearing is also wrapped around his biceps tightly. The first three buttons of his white button-up left open, showing the underline of his macular pecks.

His dirty blond hair parted open from the middle. A serious look on his face, eyebrows creased together. Anyone from afar would definitely take the man as a rude or scary dude because of the aura he is radiating.

Well, if they take him as a rude dude. . . then they ain't wrong. Because he is indeed rude. If I hate people was a living person, this guy would be the perfect example of it.

He was patiently waiting for the plane to land. Yes, he had traveled by plane numerous times but it still didn't lower his hatred for flights. He shrugged off the sleeve of his coat, revealing his Vacheron Constantin watch.

5:20 PM, the watch said.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have just been cleared to land at the Incheon airport. Please make sure one last time your seat belt is securely fastened. The flight attendants are currently passing around the cabin to make a final compliance check and pick up any remaining cups and glasses. Thank you." The man heard the flight attendants again speaking through the speaker.

He sighed and took off the air pods from his ear and shoved them into his suit pocket. He doesn't really like to listen to music while walking, so better be prepared first.

He finally felt the wheels of the plane hitting against the smooth tarmac path of the airport. He looks outside the window and oddly felt a euphoria coursing through his veins seeing the ground after spending a whole 13 hours up above the sky surrounded by only clouds.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Incheon Airport. Local time is 5:30 PM and the temperature is 26° Celsius. . ." The flight attendants continue her speech and final farewell but the impatient man is far from paying attention to whatever bullshit she's saying.

The captain turns off the seat belt sign and the man is finally able to stand up and move around. He walks out of the narrow path between his seat and the front seat and proceeds to open the lid of the shelf and takes out his belongings.

"On behalf of Air Seoul Airlines and the entire crew, I'd like to thank you for joining us on this trip and we are looking forward to seeing you on board again in the near future. Have a nice evening!" The flight attendant finally finished her speech and the speaker went silent.

"Yeah, yeah, good evening to you too now open the damn door," The male mumbled to himself as he waited for the door to open. When I tell you the man seriously has a serious hatred for planes.

The door of the plane slowly opened like a wing of a bird. The flight attendants stood next by the doorway and bids the passengers their final goodbyes. The man didn't even pay attention to the flight attendants and got off the plane as soon as he can.

He was excited to land his foot on the soil of South Korea after spending ten years in the USA.

Not knowing, his life is going to be completely changed after this very night.

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