Chapter 31: I want to capture you in my embrace like I capture you in my camera

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Golden strips of the sun peeking through the curtains fall over the pale back. The hotel room was murky because of the lack of sunlight. The faint noise of the air conditioner could be heard along with the melodic birds singing outside the window.

Jungkook stirred in his sleep while he lays over his stomach and slowly flutter his eyes open, directly coming to the gorgeous view of the older sleeping soundly, clothed chest gently going up and down as he takes soft breaths. His honey-brown hair was illuminated by the Golden sunlight, adding extra beauty to the already rudely attractive man sleeping without care, facing Jungkook while he lays over his back, one hand rested beside his head while the other one was placed over his stomach.

A smile of adoration slowly spread over Jungkook's lips as he raised his naked upper body and supported the weight over his elbow while his head rested against the fist of his closed hand.

Last night, nothing really happened between the two grown men. They were too tired to do anything anyway. First, the jet lag, and two, it was already after midnight when they arrived. So they decided to just freshen up, and change into comfy clothes whereas Jungkook decided to sleep shirtless and they both lost into a deep slumber.

Jungkook, without doing anything, just stares at the older's sleeping face. His eyes took every single detail of his attractive features. From the moles at the edge of his eye, on the tip of his nose, at the edge of his lower lip, on his upper cheek to his perfectly sculpted nose, pretty eyelashes resting over the skin under his eyes, honey-brown hair messily falling over his forehead, tanned skin just like honey- as he likes to call the older -glimmer with the sunlight as if the skin was actually coated with the rich golden color of the honey.

He wasn't heavenly, but he was heaven.

The older was looking too peaceful and too beautiful to not touch him. It was almost like when someone asks you to not touch something but the urge, the damn urge inaugurates from there and the desperation to touch that thing even though you've been told not to. Jungkook was going through the same phase. The older was looking too peaceful to not intimidate him a little.

So he stretch out his hand and started to caress the smooth cheek skin under his sensitive finger pads. His thumb gently caresses Taehyung's upper cheek, right over the tiny mole.

The older was a light sleeper because even though Jungkook's touch was feathery, he still got the hunch of the extra skin roaming over his cheek as if one wrong move and the owner of the fingers will break him.

Taehyung flutters his majestic eyes open, coming to the view of Jungkook softly smiling at him and he can finally comprehend the owner of the touch he was receiving. A smile spread over his lips as well.

"Good morning," The deep groggy morning tone of the older's lightened an odd spark inside Jungkook. Damn, he won't lie, he actually used to crave waking up to a voice like his. Wishing him morning with such a tone, making his whole day better even before it starts, making him feel kind of domestic(?) and you know, realize that he has someone to wake up with?

I mean, the feelings are almost indescribable and when you come to describe it, it comes out all messy and all over the place. But you got the point.

Jungkook smiles even more which caused his apple cheeks to pop out and hues with a natural pink blush. Eyes formed into crescents as he flopped his head over the cloudy pillow again, letting out a small, "Morning."

Taehyung let out a sigh of contentment as he raised his body from the sheets, the duvet falling over his lap, forming into a puddle as he turn his head to his behind from the right side, glancing at the balcony watching it covered with the thick bamboo mat curtains.

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