Chapter 37: Not everyone deserves second chances

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Four days have passed since Taehyung and Jungkook's last encounter and also since they have last seen each other.

Taehyung still hasn't returned to Jimin either even though he said he'll make his arrival to his husband after two days but he was so caught up in his mom's warm embrace back in his parent's penthouse that he didn't even consider leaving the house anytime soon.

But he can't hide from reality for the rest of his life, now can he?

Taehyung would be white lying to himself if he says he didn't miss Jungkook in these four days. There was a time when his fingers would tingle to pick up the phone and dial the younger's number just to listen to his silvery voice. But then he realize he has broke his phone and didn't buy a new one yet. There were moments when he would be struck by the strong urge to take his car keys and drive back to Jungkook's place but he knows he should control himself.

He asked for space for a reason.

He knows that the distance between them is actually helping him to find his true feelings and the untold answers, the break is actually working because he has finally realized that inside his heart, somewhere in the corner, he has some indefinable sentiments for the young attorney. That he's not oblivious or confused anymore. He does realize that he feels something for the younger lad. Or else why would he miss someone that badly? Why would there be times when he would become restless just to get a glimpse of Jungkook?

It's almost like an addiction to illegal drugs and he had to busy himself with his mother to get rid of Jungkook's peculiar thoughts from inside his head and subside the inner penchant to run back to the younger like a desperate puppy.

His plumpy lips stretch themselves into an endearing smile at the mere realization that he does feel for Jungkook and that too romantically. That means he can give them a try, he doesn't have to drown himself in the pool of guilt knowing the younger loves him while he can't even return his feelings. But most importantly, his heart rests in serenity knowing that his heart no longer yearns for Jimin like it always used to, which is, to Taehyung, a good sign since he genuinely wants to get out of this relationship as soon as possible.

As much as it is now almost unbelievable for Taehyung to accept the fact that the person who he used to cry for, the person he could sacrifice his mental health for, the person he used to crave love and affection from and only from him, the person he tried so hard to gain back is the same person now who he despises to return to. He doesn't want to retreat to Jimin? It almost sounds funny at the moment.

Oh, how people's emotions can change from I can die for you to I don't give a fuck about you.

Human emotions are sure mesmerizing, dark, and silly at the same time.

As much as he abhors to face Jimin again or even breathe in the same air as him, he still has to return to the older male since they are not divorced yet and are still 'husbands' to the miscellaneous eyes of the society. And also because the apartment belongs to him, his own home.

So here he was, standing in front of his apartment front door. Mentally preparing himself before pulling out the keys, inserting the tip inside the metal hole and then twisting it which triggered some vigors inside the lock and the door opened with a light, almost faint 'click' sound.

Taehyung took a deep breath before pushing the door open and was immediately met with an odd silence lingering in the thick air of his living room. He furrowed his eyebrows first but then a scoff instantly escaped through his lips tilted upward into a bitter smirk remembering when did his husband ever spend a proper night in this apartment anyway?

Taehyung also didn't fail to notice how his heart used to feel a sharp painful pang whenever he would come to an empty apartment is the same heart that is feeling relieved for not having to experience his husband's presence around him.

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