Chapter XI "Crimson Red"

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(Y/n) POV:

As I pulled the trigger, I could tell that Charlie got a little startled and Alastor simply smiled and chuckled "Extract information then murder, what a delight!" he said before killing off the rest "Well, can't really keep them alive now, can I?" I asked while holstering my revolver "Indeed, but I doubt they would've tried again," Alastor responded while chuckling.  I just sighed and walked away while cussing multiple times under my breath with Alastor and Charlie following beside me "Who's Crimson?" Charlie suddenly asked "Let's just say he's an imp of greed that shouldn't be fucked around with," I simply said "And why is he after you?" she asked "...Cause I fucked with him," I admitted.

We continued walking for a while before making it back to the hotel "I'll get the first aid kit," Vaggie said with a sigh after immediately seeing me "How'd you know?" I asked "Cause whenever you walk in here, you always have a new hole on you," she said while walking away as I sat on the couch "Now... who's Crimson?" Charlie asked again "Wait... Crimson is after you again?" Cherri asked while walking over.  I simply nodded as Vaggie walked over and handed Charlie the first aid kit "Unfortunately, man isn't one to give up when you cross him," I simply said as Charlie started treating my wound.

"What kind of name is Crimson?" Vaggie asked "The kind of name where he makes you bleed it if you fuck around and find out," I responded "And why is he after you?" Charlie asked as I just sighed "Every single imp from greed is after me because of... reasons..." I simply said "What kind of reasons?" Angel asked, suddenly popping up.  I just stayed silent as Cherri spoke up "He managed to rob every imp in that ring and escape with millions," "And Crimson was an especially spectacular show!" Alastor added "Every imp?" Charlie repeated "How did you manage that?" Vaggie asked with a hint of surprise "You'd be amazed what people would pay to kill someone only for the assassin to back out and keep the cash," I simply explained.

"And how was Crimson especially spectacular?" Charlie asked while finishing her treatment "That's because it wasn't just crossing him, it was a kind of strike back," I said while leaning back and relaxing on the couch "How exactly, though?" Vaggie asked "We used to be business partners, but one thing led to another happened and it ended with guns being pulled," I explained. "That doesn't exactly answer the question..." Charlie said "Well sorry to tell you but I'm not one to talk when I have a bullet wound on me," I closed my eyes and leaned into the couch more.

"C'mon, none of us are doing anything and they all wanna hear," Cherri said "If they wanna hear, then they can hear it from you," I responded, still having my eyes closed "But it's better to hear it from the origins source," Cherri said while chuckling "I don't-," "Don't fret now (Y/n), everyone hear wants to hear your woeful tale!" Alastor exclaimed while interrupting me. I opened my eyes and looked at him "Not really woeful, just bullshit," I simply said "Doesn't matter the type of tale, just the tale itself..." Alastor retorted "Well this tale is uninteresting and doesn't have much to it," I responded "Then just tell us a shorter version," Charlie suggested.

"Yea, but that leaves more questions then answers," I said while looking at her "Then the way I see it, two choices, tell us the story and we'll stop bothering you or tell us the shorter version and get bothered by questions..." Charlie simply said while smiling "...I don't have much of a choice do I?" I asked as she shook her head. I gave a sigh and stared at her "You're one hell of a negotiator..." I said while sitting up, everyone started took their seats "But if one of you interrupted me, you can be expected this story to be cut short, is that understood?" I asked as everyone nodded "Alright... it started when I started stealing from the imps of greed."


I had started getting bags upon bags of money and eventually caught his eye, causing him to recruit me into his little mafia party.

The bridge of Heaven and Hell//Charlie Morningstar x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now