Chapter XVI "Final Stands"

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A/n: Strap in pal's because this is gonna be one helluva chapter...

(Y/n) POV:

Everything in my body hurt, it was as if I'd been stabbed twenty times over and bleed out for the full 24-hours of my life and when I tried to get up, my body immediately humbled me and forced me back down to laying position I was previously in, and as I looked around, I only now just registered where I was "My... house...?" I asked in confusion, unaware of how I got here. My vision was insanely blurry, yet I could make out what seemed to be a few people sat all around, one of which was sat beside me, grasping my hand as I tried to make out who's face it was "...Charlie?" I asked in a raspy voice.

My suspicion was then confirmed as Charlie raised her head quickly and lit up with joy in seeing me awake before hugging me "You're awake!" she yelled out, catching everyone else's attention "I'm aware... but I feel like I've slept as long as sleeping beauty..." I said, too tired to even return the hug she was giving me.  After a while, she then slowly broke off the hug with tears nearly forming in her eyes "So... I can't seem to remember how this whole... tomfoolery happened, care to explain?" I asked, attempting to support myself in sitting up and failing immediately "Well..." "Lucifer happened..." Charlie's sentence was cut by Alastor.

I started processing the information before the memory of what happened finally came back to me "Oh... oh shit... he rocked my shit, didn't he?" I asked and received nods from all around the room "Damn... yeah, now I'm remembering..." I sighed, stretching a little and regretting it as a jolt of pain shot up my body "Careful! Don't move to much, you're still healing," Charlie said while holding me down a bit.  "We've temporarily taken refuge in your house, so understand we'll be staying here for a short period of time," Alastor explained, making me sigh "Yeah, yeah, just don't eat everything in my fridge," I said and everyone immediately fell silent "...Fuck you all," I simply said, understanding what their silence meant.

"Sorry! You've already been knocked out for a long time so we all just... helped ourselves," Charlie explained, awkwardly smiling as she did "How long was I out cold for?" I asked "...Two weeks," Charlie simply said with concern in her voice "...Then I'm sorry for worrying you guys, if you even were," I responded to the answer "Of course we were worried, some of us more than others," Cherri added to the conversation while hinting towards Charlie.  "Just, take some time to recover, okay?" Charlie said, looking at me with worried eyes as I just nodded "Yeah, I will..." I said and everyone went to do their own things as I laid back on my couch "Oh! and Charlie!" I quickly called out, catching her attention as she looked over "...Thanks, for taking care of me," I smiled as I spoke, in return she smiled as well "No need to thank me... I just wanted you to be safe," she explained before taking her leave to another part of my house.

I sighed and absorbed the silence around me, taking in a few deep breaths and reminiscing about the events I've been put through while remaining as still as possible as to not accidentally cause something to break again in my body, before eventually my body was getting ready to heal as I fell asleep.

~Week 1 - The Light in the Darkness~

I was starting to feel less pain and be able to move a lot more without causing a bone to snap anymore, not to mention someone was always checking in on me and helping me get up from my bed that I was practically attached to for almost the entire day due to my body still being to weak to stand or even walk. "Okay (Y/n)... you got this..." I said to myself as I attempted to lift myself from my bed, managing to at least sit up, but when it came to attempting to stand, I couldn't put enough force in my legs to keep myself standing since my muscles were still in their healing process.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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